You'll be sure to enjoy your stay whatever your accommodations, but keep in mind that it would be more interesting to find places to stay in Calatayud where you could taste some typical dishes of the city. Some of the Calatayud accommodations offer guests restaurant service so that tourists can taste the typical biscuits, bilbilitana chickpeas, or bilbilitano style lamb. For those who decide to go another route, rather than search for hotels in Calatayud, you may choose hostels and inns. Staying overnight in a hostel is no less interesting than staying overnight in one of the many big Calatayud hotels, since they're very well cared for and have very nice service. If you're looking for where to stay in Calatayud on a budget, then the hostels are the best alternative, especially with friends. If traveling on business, you can find a two star hotel or hostel that are usually much cheaper. And if you're not convinced by these types of economic lodging in Calatayud, you can always move to Zaragoza capital where there's a greater variety. The good news is that with the city's public transport you can move around quickly and easily without spending too much. Search for great Calatayud hotel deals on booking to get the room you want at a great price. Don't miss out on great Calatayud lodging and a chance at a great stay, book today!