Are you looking for lodging in San Juan? By looking on Minube you'll find many suggestions for places to stay in San Juan during any season. Of course, you know that if you want to travel during the summer, you need to book as early as possible because demand for rooms during this time is high. Still, finding where to stay in San Juan shouldn't be a problem. There are San Juan hotels, bed & breakfasts, hostels and one inn, but since it's a small town of less than 6,000 inhabitants, the offer for San Juan lodging isn't exactly very extensive. We recommend using Minube to find some San Juan hotel deals or looking several months in advance through Booking to get the room you are looking for at the best price. If you're on a budget and looking for more affordable San Juan accommodations, it's best to look at one of the hostels. The rooms are nice and clean, and you can spend the night for less money than you think. And if none of these suggestions for accommodation in San Juan have convinced you, you can always head to Ibiza to find a place to sleep there. When looking for cheap hotels in San Juan, which is a very quiet town, you have to decide if you want to party or enjoy the area's tranquility because you'll have to get around by car or public transport.