Before choosing where to stay in Siguenza, you should keep in mind that there are many neighborhoods to choose form. It's common to stay in cheap guesthouses without many amenities instead of three or four star hotels, since they are the most available among the supply of lodging in Sigüenza. Sigüenza hotels offer more amenities, of course, but are also much more expensive. Cheap places to stay in Sigüenza also include pensions, hostels, and bed and breakfast inns. Hotels in Siguenza are mostly found near the city center, while other Siguenza accommodations can be found both in the city center and surrounding neighborhoods.
Keep in mind that if you stay far from the city center you may need your own transport. Meanwhile, while staying in the city center is more expensive, you will be just a few steps from the major attractions. Sigüenza hotel deals are most easily found mid-week and during the off season. Remember also that most cheap Siguenza lodging doesn't include breakfast. Accommodations in Siguenza also include private homes and apartments for rent, which are a great option if you are traveling in a larger group or if you plan to spend more than a few days in town.
Don't wait to book your hotel in Siguenza. Hotels in Siguenza can fill up during the high season. Learn more about lodging in Siguenza by visiting minube.