Gijon town is perfectly suited to the tastes and needs of tourists and you'll find all kinds of lodging in Gijón. Among the most popular areas to find cheap Gijón accommodations is the neighbourhood of Cimadevilla. This is one of the best places to stay in Gijón because you're just minutes from the beach, the city centre, and the marina. Book your Gijón lodging here and you'll enjoy the sea breeze by day and the nightlife after the sun goes down.
Do you need to know where to stay in Gijón for the budget traveler? Cheap accommodations here, like hostels, are often well rated. The coastline of Asturias has the prestigious honor of being one of the most visited parts of northern Spain, so you'll find great accommodation and plenty of Gijón hotel deals.
Playa de Poniente and Playa San Lorenzo are popular beaches and there are plenty of Gijón hotels nearby, including themed hotels, luxury chains, and those with all kinds of amenities. But be careful - the chances of finding cheap hotels in Gijón go down in summer. The natural beauty and the mild climate are a magnet for both domestic and international travelers. If you travel in summer, it is advisable to look carefully, and minube is here to help you compare prices and find the best place to stay!