The variety of lodging in Elvas is so extensive that you can easily choose between a number of different types of places and prices. You can find both cheap places to sleep in Elvas as well as larger, more expensive places, but where you will probably end up is in one of the many medieval stately farmhouses. All the Elvas hotels are two to five stars, some with indoor and outdoor pools, with room service, wellness area, entertainment and many other services. Search through Booking for hotels in Elvas and find the best price for your room. Do you need to find Elvas lodging suitable for children or for groups? There are also small cottage style homes that, if you share expenses with colleagues or friends, can be a great option for Elvas accommodations on a budget. These places are known as agritourism locally and can cost about €70-80 a night. The hostels are another cheap accommodation option in Elvas par excellence. You can find rooms in some of the hostels for 20€ a night. Search on minube for where to stay in Elvas on a budget according to your dates and book weeks in advance to get the best prices on Elvas hotel deals. If you want to travel during Carnival, it's advisable to book with plenty of time as demand is greatly increased at this time.