Most lodging in Padua is concentrated in the city center and close to the neighborhoods around Scrovegni Chapel and the Basilica di Sant'Antonio. The best places to stay in Pauda are near the main attractions of the city. The range of hotels in Padua is wide and there are accommodations for any budget.
If you are clear about the area where you want to stay, it is best to search through Padua accommodations and compare different prices for rooms. If you are looking for Padua hotels in the city, you will not have problems with dates at any time because there are almost always rooms available. It is true that the summer demand for Padua lodging increases, but the amount of rooms available is also wide.
Padua hotel deals offer rooms in affordable two or three star rooms, but if you are looking for different options of where to stay in Padua you can try any of the B&Bs near downtown.
Before you decide among the Padua hotels visit Minube, where you can read reviews submitted by fellow travelers and see their photos. Many travelers have also written about cheap accommodation in Padua, and offer hints on the best time to visit and the best neighborhood to be based in.