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Things to do in Chiang Saen

62 contributors

The top 26 attractions in Chiang Saen

Museums in Chiang Saen
House of Opium
In the village of Ban Sop Ruak, on the outskirts of Chiang Saen in Chiang Rai province, northern Thailand, placed among other plac
Temples in Chiang Saen
Wat Pa Sak
If you book our relaxing program with SIAMTRAILS'll the Magic Triangle, you will visit the Chiang Rai area, particularly outside t
Temples in Chiang Saen
Wat Chedi Luang
This temple, or rather, its ruins, are situated in the city of Chiang Saen, and they belong to the province of Chiang Rai, in Thai
Of Cultural Interest in Chiang Saen
Sop Ruak
Ban Sop Ruak is a small town of Chiang Rai in the Chiang Saen district which houses, among other things, "the Opium Museum", the "
Of Touristic Interest in Chiang Saen
Temples in Chiang Saen
Lakes in Chiang Saen
Villages in Chiang Saen
Of Touristic Interest in Chiang Saen
Temples in Chiang Saen
Temples in Chiang Saen
Markets in Chiang Saen
Harbors in Chiang Saen
Markets in Chiang Saen
Viewpoints in Chiang Saen
Harbors in Chiang Saen
Temples in Chiang Saen
Temples in Chiang Saen
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