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Things to do in Lugo

1.505 contributors

The top 579 attractions in Lugo

Beaches in Ribadeo
Of Cultural Interest in Viveiro
Of Touristic Interest in Mondoñedo
Gardens in Lugo
Of Touristic Interest in Sarria
Roads in O Páramo
Rivers in Pantón
Historical Monuments in Sarria
Villages in Palas de Rei
Of Cultural Interest in Vilalba
Castles in Guitiriz
Pobra de Parga Castle
This castle served to monitor the road connecting Lucus Augusti with Flavaia Brigantium in Galicia. The castle that stands on the
Of Cultural Interest in Lugo
Of Touristic Interest in Folgoso do Courel
Villages in Chantada
Churches in Lugo
Viewpoints in Ribadeo
Of Cultural Interest in Guitiriz
Sundial of Guitiriz
The Guitiriz is an unusual sundial, a unique piece of work in Galicia. I'm going to explain its operation: a sundial uses the shad
Bars in Viveiro
Temple Bar
We found this "Temple" of the Geneva Viveiro. Open every day and in addition to breakfast, tapas (cheap), we found the best gin a