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Things to do in Gérgal

5 contributors

The top 2 attractions in Gérgal

Nature Reserves in Gérgal
Nature Reserves in Gérgal
4,1 km away in Las Alcubillas
5,1 km away in Tabernas
Tabernas Desert
The trees in Tabernas can be quite twisted and frightening, almost like something out of a Tim Burton movie.
11,1 km away in Almería
13,6 km away in Tabernas
15 km away in Tabernas
Oasys MiniHollywood
50 km from Roquetas del Mar is the western theme park of the chain Playa Senator . It is an option if you are staying in this chai
15,9 km away in Mondujar
15,9 km away in Tabernas
Dawn in Tavernes
Sometimes you see a sunrise so beautiful it reminds you how good it is to be alive. When you get up to take a picture, you start d
17,1 km away in Gádor
17,8 km away in Alhama de Almería
18,2 km away in Serón
Las Menas
South of Seron this former mining village preserves the ruins of the old town, the houses of the engineers and rail paths that use
19 km away in Rioja
19,1 km away in Ohanes
19,6 km away in Rioja
20,5 km away in Senés
20,7 km away in Canjáyar
20,8 km away in Canjáyar
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