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[{"Comment":{"id":"760551","total_score":"19","content":"In the province of Lugo and in particular the terra cha near Cospeito found a beautiful, peaceful place worthy to be compared with the best bed and breaksfast British .. His home, friendly people treated us like we were at home .. I wish there were more places like this.","title":"Tranquilad in all its essence","hidden":0,"post_time":"2011-11-29 00:12:45","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"En la provincia de lugo y en concreto la terra cha cerca de Cospeito encontramos un lugar hermoso y tranquilo digno de comparar con los mejores bed and breaksfast britanicos .. Sus caseros, gente amable nos trataron como si estuvi\u00e9ramos en casa..\r\nOjala hubiera mas sitios como este .","original_title":"Tranquilad en toda su esencia"},"User":{"id":"1607291","name":"pablo","username":"pablo984","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/1607291_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"3855191","hashcode":"e26b99027c3b0ed2507738d652e490e0","post_time":"2011-11-29 00:14:36","o_width":"1600","o_height":"1196","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"3855181","hashcode":"580780f009af321c9738f8b90c5a3c28","post_time":"2011-11-29 00:12:45","o_width":"1600","o_height":"1196","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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Things to do in Curaçao

113 contributors
Beaches in Curacao
Beaches in Curacao
Beaches in Willemstad
Beaches in Curacao
Beaches in Willemstad
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The top 42 attractions in Curaçao

Bays in Willemstad
Sint Anna Bay (Santa Ana Bay)
Curaçao's capital, Willemstad, is divided into two towns by the bay of Santa Ana, belonging to the Caribbean Sea. It was named San
Of Cultural Interest in Willemstad
Queen Emma Pontoon Bridge
Hello! In my experience, everything was great and what I liked most was the bridge, the fun, helpful people, the beaches, and the
Shopping Malls in Willemstad
Rif Fort
Rif Fort is another one of the forts that were built to protect the Bay of Santa Ana, as well as the access by sea to the capital
Cities in Willemstad
Willemstad is the capital of Curacao and the Netherlands. It has been declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is mainly di
Beaches in Curacao
Mambo Beach
It's a one-way look, an important step in the life of any human being. That's when you know you've grown, you've strengthened, you
Islands in Curacao
Cities in Willemstad
The capital of the Dutch Antilles and the island of Curacao, Willemstad, is divided into three sub-districts: Punda, [poi = 89758]
Theme Parks in Willemstad
Markets in Willemstad
Floating Market
Take a stroll down the pier and Santa Ana bay. In the district of Punda Curaçao's capital, we find this quaint and colourful marke
Nightlife Districts in Willemstad
In Willemstad you can still see six of the nine forts that were built to protect the capital of the island from maritime attacks i
Museums in Willemstad
Tele Museum
This museum is in the [poi = 89754] Punda district [/ poi] just behind [poi = 89714] Fort Amsterdam [/ poi], one of the oldest bui
Caves in Curacao
Plant Tunnel Hato Caves
This is a path that must be discovered, and followed. There are no plans here, and nobody waits for you. This should be life, with
Historical Monuments in Willemstad
Caves in Hato
Of Touristic Interest in Willemstad
Sunset in Curaçao
In Curacao you can admire the sunrise and sunset over the sea, on different sides of the island. The sunset is wonderful, and it i
Islands in Curacao
Islands in Curacao
Beaches in Curacao
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