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[{"Comment":{"id":"2356199","total_score":"40","content":"This magnificent Romanesque church is placed under the patronage of St. Vincent, patron saint of winegrowers. Built on a single nave plan XIIth century, it is composed of a magnificent Romanesque portal Limousin type whose set of reliefs is realized in a white limestone that contrasts with the red sandstone used in unfinished buildings. It also possde latrales seven chapels and a bell tower overlooking the entire edifice stretched his character dfensif, which was reinforced in the sixteenth century following the wars of religion. It was indeed endowed with wooden hoardings the Manire a strong castle and the upper parts were replaced by votes warheads. We also added the y-meurtrires canonires and a bretche on the south wall.","title":"A magnificent Romanesque church of the XIIth century","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-04-28 00:20:12","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Cette somptueuse \u00e9glise romane est plac\u00e9e sous le vocable de Saint-Vincent, patron des vignerons. Construite sur un plan \u00e0 nef unique au XII\u00e8me si\u00e8cle, elle est compos\u00e9e d'un magnifique portail roman de type Limousin dont l'ensemble des reliefs est r\u00e9alis\u00e9 dans un calcaire blanc qui contraste avec le gr\u00e8s rouge utilis\u00e9 pour le gros \u0153uvre. \r\n\r\nElle poss\u00e8de aussi sept chapelles lat\u00e9rales ainsi qu'un clocher-porche donnant \u00e0 l'\u00e9difice toute l'\u00e9tendue de son caract\u00e8re d\u00e9fensif, qui fut renforc\u00e9 au XVI\u00e8me si\u00e8cle suite aux guerres de religion. \r\n\r\nElle fut en effet dot\u00e9e de hourds de bois \u00e0 la mani\u00e8re d'un ch\u00e2teau fort et les parties hautes furent remplac\u00e9es par des vo\u00fbtes en ogives. On y ajouta aussi des meurtri\u00e8res-canoni\u00e8res ainsi qu'une bret\u00e8che sur le mur Sud.","original_title":"Une somptueuse \u00e9glise romane du XII\u00e8me si\u00e8cle"},"User":{"id":"5831414","name":"Lionel Langlade","username":"lionellanglade","has_avatar":"5","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5831414_80x80_5.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"9537505","hashcode":"749f4469ed05f2508a0f4082f2e41fca","post_time":"2016-04-28 00:43:41","o_width":"4000","o_height":"2799","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9537438","hashcode":"9daf62ce2d1c35e30339a13bcc83ec31","post_time":"2016-04-28 00:20:12","o_width":"2740","o_height":"3889","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9537437","hashcode":"1affb00c70745d45e4bbe07edd977b32","post_time":"2016-04-28 00:20:12","o_width":"3000","o_height":"4000","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9537444","hashcode":"d4eea51185bc02c46ccff3271a3cc6b7","post_time":"2016-04-28 00:20:12","o_width":"4000","o_height":"3000","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9537443","hashcode":"894758b4823740f1854b3bbe37586a64","post_time":"2016-04-28 00:20:12","o_width":"3000","o_height":"4000","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9537442","hashcode":"39f4607971a31a56ab6e822701ac90b0","post_time":"2016-04-28 00:20:12","o_width":"3000","o_height":"4000","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9537441","hashcode":"b17c0a9b4e83d046803641a1d420fe3c","post_time":"2016-04-28 00:20:12","o_width":"2872","o_height":"4000","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9537440","hashcode":"bb80ed2e58cf42f534f2afaf94dc5ea8","post_time":"2016-04-28 00:20:12","o_width":"4000","o_height":"3000","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9537439","hashcode":"e374b0e8ba1a7ed1eed76f686cfa069f","post_time":"2016-04-28 00:20:12","o_width":"3000","o_height":"4000","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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Things to do in Campania

575 contributors

The top 213 attractions in Campania

Squares in Naples
Piazza del Plebiscito
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Historical Monuments in Naples
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Museums in Naples
Naples National Archaeological Museum
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Castles in Naples
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Castles in Naples
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Churches in Naples
Gesu Nuovo Church
This is the church that was built by the Jesuits. It's called "New Jesus". Construction began 1584, under the direction of Jesuit
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Islands in Procida
Procida Island
The small island of "Il Postino". It is one of the gems that can be found in the Gulf of Naples. It is the beautiful island of Pro
Castles in Ischia
Aragonese Castle of Ischia
The visit to the castle can be made during the day, there is an elevator and you can visit the chapel, ruins and torture chambers.
Of Cultural Interest in Ischia
Of Cultural Interest in Naples
The Neapolitan Presepio
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Streets in Naples
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Museums in Naples
Certosa Di San Martino
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Cathedrals in Naples
Naples Cathedral
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Cemeteries in Naples
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Of Cultural Interest in Naples
It is well known that FAME has not always brought good things to the city of Naples: Chaos, scammers, etc. I will not deny that I
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