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[{"Comment":{"id":"2167808","total_score":"35","content":"The Desert View Watchtower is located at the Grand Canyon National Park South Rim. It is accessible by car and it takes around 1 hour from the Grand Canyon Village. It is located pretty far from the Grand Canyon Village and hence the free shuttle does not operate to this watchtower. But it is very well worth the effort to make some time over to Desert View. I would recommend to spend some time there watching the sunset because it is spectacular here. The Desert View point provides stunning views of the Grand Canyon and a bit of the North Rim. There is an information center where it explains the geography of the canyon and the history behind it. I encountered a wedding couple taking their wedding shots there, those photos must have turned out beautiful!","title":"Desert View Watchtower ","hidden":"0","post_time":"2014-08-01 13:22:25","lang_flag":"en","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"5492408","name":"Bryan Lim","username":"bryanlim","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5492408_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7830064","hashcode":"3eb467c29085ad35b84fbf9becd32e3e","post_time":"2014-08-01 13:22:25","o_width":"960","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6655732","total_score":"15","content":"Although it is spectacular, it is not the most impressive of Grandes Canyon.","title":"We were at 5:30 in the afternoon","hidden":0,"post_time":"2018-09-21 05:16:26","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Aunque es espectacular, no es de lo m\u00e1s impresionante de Grandes Canyon.\r\n","original_title":"Estuvimos a las 5'30 de la tarde"},"User":{"id":"7497502","name":"Maria Del Mar Montano Carvajal","username":"mariadelmarmontanocarvajal","has_avatar":"3","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/7497502_80x80_3.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"10700104","hashcode":"0ddc35b93835c00098fb15514be6966a","post_time":"2018-09-21 05:16:49","o_width":"4160","o_height":"3120","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"}]
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