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Things to do in Central America

3.917 contributors

The top 1.567 attractions in Central America

Nature Reserves in Estelí
Tisey - Estanzuela
At the hotel, you'll find typical cabins and restaurants. Located at the Panamerican highway, their prices are economical, from ju
Bars in Guatemala City
Pasaje Aycinena
Aycinena Passage, 10 years ago it became a passage of bars and cultural activity of the historic center of Guatemala City. Also kn
Nature Reserves in Morales
Jacanas and Water Lilies in Sweet River
Rio Dulce is located in the area of Izabal, between Lake Izabal and Amatique Bay andit's about 43km long. It is one of the first p
Lakes in Gatún
Gatún Lake
Gatun Lake is one of the three main reservoirs of the Panama Canal, and serving for the transit of ships from one ocean to another
Zoos in Guatemala City
La Aurora Zoo
Te la pasas muy bien
Of Touristic Interest in El Tortugero
Pavona to Tortuguero Tour
In Pavona, you should take the boat to Tortuguero because it is the only way to reach the village. To reach Pavona from Cariari Sa
Bays in Roatan
Manglares en Palmetto Bay
If you are on the beach in Palmetto Bay and you want to go for a walk, I recommend that you head to the right until you reach the
Historical Monuments in San Jose
Beaches in Siquinalá
Sipacate is a beach on the Pacific coast of Guatemala. Leave your car in a parking lot and cross in a canal boat to reach the beac
Beaches in Livingston
Beach Quehueche
Quehueche Beach is a Guatemalan Caribbean beach that can be reached from the town of Livingston, walking down the beach less than
Villages in Todos Santos Cuchumatán
Todos Santos Cuchumatán
Todos Santos is a town in Huehuetenango, near the border with Mexico, which has the distinction of being cute yet very traditional
Churches in Totonicapán
San Andrés Xecul Church
It is the most colourful and original church I've seen in my entire life. The complete truth is that I was impressed. It is quite
Of Touristic Interest in Bocas del Toro
Sunset from Punta Caracol
One of the most beautiful moments we had when we were in Panama was enjoying the fiery sunsets from [poi = 18414] Punta Caracol [/
Beaches in Cayos Cochinos
Cayo Chachahuate
It is one of thirteen Cayos Cochinos Garifuna and it is populated by families who live from fishing and the sale of food and acces
Harbors in Iztapa
Iztapa Harbour
Hello my name is Lilian and more than 15 years I moved away from port Iztapa but I have very good childhood memories. Despite livi
Lakes in La Paz Centro
Asososca Lagoon, León
Asososca Lagoon Leon, Nicaragua is my favorite area because I can relax swimming in its warm waters, while seeing some spectacular
Nature Reserves in El Estor
Farm House Paradise
I recently travelled to this place, with the idea that I needed to drive a good stretch of rough, unpaved road, but now it's total
Of Cultural Interest in Roatan