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[{"Comment":{"id":"2291818","total_score":"49","content":"iya gradually has been consolidated as one of the best lokantas Istanbul, thanks to a carefully prepared cuisine and selected. Selecta not in prices, but in their recipes: prepares dishes from all over the country, traditional, many of which they are unobtainable in other restaurants. In addition, the cuisine is seasonal, so the dishes change according to the seasons. Eat and do well is not difficult here. According enter, on the right side, there is a salad bar, so that the customer who wants to serve and the amount you want: is charged according the weight. On the left, soups and stews, many of them \"strangers\": apples stuffed with meat, lamb tripe stuffed with rice, or other classics of Turkish cuisine as lentil soups, stews eggplant, koftes ... Before enter note that there are two restaurants of the same owner and name, facing each other: one o'clock ET specializing in grilled meats and ask. Another (which reseo) in stews and the rest of the Turkish gastronomy.","title":"A asitica institution","hidden":0,"post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"\u00c7iya poco a poco se ha ido consolidando como una de las mejores lokantas de Estambul, gracias a una cocina cuidada y selecta. Selecta no en sus precios, sino en sus recetas: prepara platos de todo el pa\u00eds, tradicionales, muchos de los cuales son imposibles de conseguir en otros restaurantes. Adem\u00e1s, su cocina es de temporada, con lo que los platos cambian de acuerdo a las estaciones. \r\nComer y hacerlo bien no es dif\u00edcil en este lugar. Seg\u00fan se entra, en la parte derecha, hay una barra con ensaladas, para que el cliente se sirva las que quiera y en la cantidad que quiera: se cobra seg\u00fan el peso.\r\nEn la izquierda, las sopas y guisos, muchos de ellos \"extra\u00f1os\": manzanas rellenas de carne, tripas de cordero rellenas de arroz, o otros cl\u00e1sicos de la cocina turca como sopas de lentejas, guisos de berenjenas, koftes...\r\nAntes de entrar ten en cuenta que hay dos restaurantes del mismo propietario y nombre, uno frente al otro: uno est\u00e1 especializado en carnes a la brasa y pides. Otro (el que rese\u00f1o) en guisos y el resto de la gastronom\u00eda turca.","original_title":"Un instituci\u00f3n asi\u00e1tica"},"User":{"id":"4994634","name":"Pablo Strubell","username":"pablostrubell","has_avatar":"3","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/4994634_80x80_3.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"8941992","hashcode":"b83bfcb8472d28f50486056a147cacea","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941998","hashcode":"2dbb7e288a2daef9b8f5ad3122558d96","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941993","hashcode":"d405b2af62dd9dc5bf4d8039ed981100","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8942001","hashcode":"4f131b09ceed8753f372270c26f5b35c","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8942000","hashcode":"3d0039a1b11a75793b3aa46ff4d63653","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941999","hashcode":"53eb50b4469c2aca000ed12add2ffb60","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941997","hashcode":"cfb5ce81366025bfce7ed63dc9b34fa9","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941996","hashcode":"1b50b9b63484a0f0690a81f287ce003e","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941995","hashcode":"97de0737e3dd51fc4bf4e88aab037c55","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"600","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941994","hashcode":"2b12e5cab267e38f00226962b573cfa6","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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[{"Comment":{"id":"2291818","total_score":"49","content":"iya gradually has been consolidated as one of the best lokantas Istanbul, thanks to a carefully prepared cuisine and selected. Selecta not in prices, but in their recipes: prepares dishes from all over the country, traditional, many of which they are unobtainable in other restaurants. In addition, the cuisine is seasonal, so the dishes change according to the seasons. Eat and do well is not difficult here. According enter, on the right side, there is a salad bar, so that the customer who wants to serve and the amount you want: is charged according the weight. On the left, soups and stews, many of them \"strangers\": apples stuffed with meat, lamb tripe stuffed with rice, or other classics of Turkish cuisine as lentil soups, stews eggplant, koftes ... Before enter note that there are two restaurants of the same owner and name, facing each other: one o'clock ET specializing in grilled meats and ask. Another (which reseo) in stews and the rest of the Turkish gastronomy.","title":"A asitica institution","hidden":0,"post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"\u00c7iya poco a poco se ha ido consolidando como una de las mejores lokantas de Estambul, gracias a una cocina cuidada y selecta. Selecta no en sus precios, sino en sus recetas: prepara platos de todo el pa\u00eds, tradicionales, muchos de los cuales son imposibles de conseguir en otros restaurantes. Adem\u00e1s, su cocina es de temporada, con lo que los platos cambian de acuerdo a las estaciones. \r\nComer y hacerlo bien no es dif\u00edcil en este lugar. Seg\u00fan se entra, en la parte derecha, hay una barra con ensaladas, para que el cliente se sirva las que quiera y en la cantidad que quiera: se cobra seg\u00fan el peso.\r\nEn la izquierda, las sopas y guisos, muchos de ellos \"extra\u00f1os\": manzanas rellenas de carne, tripas de cordero rellenas de arroz, o otros cl\u00e1sicos de la cocina turca como sopas de lentejas, guisos de berenjenas, koftes...\r\nAntes de entrar ten en cuenta que hay dos restaurantes del mismo propietario y nombre, uno frente al otro: uno est\u00e1 especializado en carnes a la brasa y pides. Otro (el que rese\u00f1o) en guisos y el resto de la gastronom\u00eda turca.","original_title":"Un instituci\u00f3n asi\u00e1tica"},"User":{"id":"4994634","name":"Pablo Strubell","username":"pablostrubell","has_avatar":"3","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/4994634_80x80_3.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"8941992","hashcode":"b83bfcb8472d28f50486056a147cacea","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941998","hashcode":"2dbb7e288a2daef9b8f5ad3122558d96","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941993","hashcode":"d405b2af62dd9dc5bf4d8039ed981100","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8942001","hashcode":"4f131b09ceed8753f372270c26f5b35c","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8942000","hashcode":"3d0039a1b11a75793b3aa46ff4d63653","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941999","hashcode":"53eb50b4469c2aca000ed12add2ffb60","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941997","hashcode":"cfb5ce81366025bfce7ed63dc9b34fa9","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941996","hashcode":"1b50b9b63484a0f0690a81f287ce003e","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941995","hashcode":"97de0737e3dd51fc4bf4e88aab037c55","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"600","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8941994","hashcode":"2b12e5cab267e38f00226962b573cfa6","post_time":"2015-10-07 12:15:36","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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