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Sights in Central America

8.632 contributors
sights in Central America : the essentials
Historical Monuments in San Jose
Templo de la Musica
About two blocks away from the Plaza de la Cultura, and in the Morazon Park, this is a particularly beautiful and impressive place
Squares in San Jose
Plaza de la Libertad Electoral
This is a symbol of the freedom of the people of Costa Rica, who are fiercely proud of their roots. It was unveiled on September 1
1 activity
Historical Monuments in San Jose
Edificio Correos
Along with the National Theatre, the Costa Rican post office is one of the city's main historical moments, and is worth a look. It
Castles in Omoa
Fortaleza de San Fernando de Omoa
Through this door came soldiers, prisoners and conquerors during the colonial period in Honduras. Nowasdays there is still a guard
Historical Monuments in San Jose
Centro Nacional de la Cultura
The National Culture Centre includes several cultural and ministerial institutions like the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and is t
Churches in Zunil
Church of Zunil
Zunil church is a lovely Catholic church, where the people of the city, which is mostly Mayan, accommodates their beliefs. For exa
Universities in San Jose
Squares in Panama City
Plaza de la Independencia
Panama Central Park is in the center of the colonial city, which is called the Casco Antiguo or San Felipe neighborhood. It is lov
Historical Monuments in Panama City
Plaza de Francia
This square in Old Town has the best views of the city. It´s located at the southern end of the city inside what were once the cit
Churches in San Salvador
Iglesia El Rosario
This interesting, modern church is across from Plaza Libertad. Its architectural design is modern and was completed in 1971. Ruben
Squares in San Salvador
Plaza Morazan
This pleasant little square is always bustling. It offers the best possible views of the National Theatre and the nearby street ma
Churches in Santiago Atitlán
Church of Santiago Atitlán
The Church of Santiago Atitlan is in the middle of this village on the Lake. The church was built in 1547, the interior is very in
Cathedrals in Comayagua
Cathedral of Comayagua
Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Comayagua, dates back to the years 1634 and 1711, and it is one of the most representative arch
Cemeteries in Chichicastenango
Chichicastenango Cemetery
Chichicastenango Cemetery is kind of strange because just to its left there's a place called "Bar The Last Goodbye" ([poi = 24452]
Ruins in Tecpán Guatemala
Iximché Archaeological Site
If you are staying in Guatemala for more than 2 or 3 weeks, you should go to Iximché, which depends Tecpán Guatemala City, in the
Churches in Chichicastenango
Church of Chichicastenango
Chichicastenango is a village in Quiche in Guatemala. Its population are the Quiche Maya and the language is called quiche too. Th
Historical Monuments in Flores
The Lost World
The Lost World, the wildest part of the archaeological ruins of Tikal, a total of 60000 sq m with about 40 ruins that were part of
Squares in San Jose