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Of Cultural Interest in Valencia


101 of cultural interest in Valencia

Of Cultural Interest in Jalance
Don Juan Cave in Jalance
The Cave of Don Juan is a place where you can unwind from city life. Located in an excellent natural environment (Jucar Cannons),
Of Cultural Interest in Sueca
Ateneo Sueco del Socorro
This is a beautiful and little-known modernist building, the work of Joan Guardiola, which opened in 1929. It has an imposing lamp
Of Cultural Interest in Valencia
Of Cultural Interest in Cofrentes
Of Cultural Interest in Cullera
Cullera Town Hall
The Town Hall or the Vila Ca dates from the year 1781 and is in the Plaza de España in the middle of downtown. It was built by Car
Of Cultural Interest in Xàtiva
The Palau
At the beginning of Archdeacon street, walking up from the Plaza of the Cathedral towards the mountain, the Sede del Arcediano is
Of Cultural Interest in Xàtiva
House of Education
Built in 1758 by request of the Archbishop of Valencia, Andrés Mayoral, is this school for orphan. At the front there are two lion
Of Cultural Interest in Alzira
Of Cultural Interest in Valencia
Of Cultural Interest in Valencia
Of Cultural Interest in Gandia
Marqués González de Quirós Cultural Centre
At Avenida de Germanias 13, is a beautiful palace that has been converted in permanent site of the University of Estiu of Gandia (
Of Cultural Interest in Xeraco
Festivals of Xeraco
The festivities of Xeraco take place in August. This town is known for its blue flat beach. The festivals are dedicated to the pat
Of Cultural Interest in Macastre
Of Cultural Interest in Valencia
Of Cultural Interest in Gandia
Of Cultural Interest in Xàtiva
The Central Botica
If you go to the square where the Cathedral is situated, and from there continue towards the market, you will pass the old Central
Of Cultural Interest in Puig
The Route from the Trenches of the Civil War in Puig
In Puig they have now organized a series of tours of this innovative and contemporary architectural heritage site from the Civil W
Of Cultural Interest in Valencia