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[{"Comment":{"id":"1851998","total_score":"42","content":"The Central Plaza is a beautiful luxury hotel with a central location, ideally suited for travelers. The hotel is, in fact, directly opposite the railway station and a few meters of the first streets of the old city. Well, of course, since this is a four star hotel, it is not necessarily suitable for every budget backpackers. But then, we must say that the service is there. We are first greeted by a foyer that is distinguished by its amazing wall of water. Second, the rooms are very comfortable with large beds and a bathroom well appointed. The larger rooms even have two double beds and a small working area. And a great view of the Limmat river divides the city in two. Side stories, it made me laugh a lot to discover a cutting apples to enjoy free on each floor and a small yellow duck bath towels to take to remember in all rooms!","title":"The Central Plaza is a beautiful luxury...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2010-10-13 19:47:31","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Le Central Plaza est un tr\u00e8s bel h\u00f4tel de luxe avec une situation centrale, parfaitement adapt\u00e9e aux voyageurs. L'h\u00f4tel est, en effet, plac\u00e9 juste en face de la gare et \u00e0 quelques m\u00e8tres des premi\u00e8res ruelles de la vieille ville. Bon, bien s\u00fbr, vu que c'est un h\u00f4tel quatre \u00e9toiles, il n'est pas forc\u00e9ment adapt\u00e9 au budget de tous les globe-trotters. \r\n\r\nMais apr\u00e8s, il faut dire que le service est l\u00e0. On est d'abord accueilli par un joli hall qui se distingue par son surprenant mur d'eau. Ensuite, les chambres sont tr\u00e8s confortables avec de grands lits et une salle de bain bien am\u00e9nag\u00e9e. Les plus grandes chambres poss\u00e8dent m\u00eame deux lits doubles et un petit salon de travail. Et une superbe vue sur la rivi\u00e8re Limmat qui s\u00e9pare la ville en deux. \r\n\r\nC\u00f4t\u00e9 anecdotes, \u00e7a m'a fait beaucoup rire de d\u00e9couvrir une coupe de pommes \u00e0 d\u00e9guster gratuitement \u00e0 chaque \u00e9tage et un petit canard de bain jaune \u00e0 emporter en souvenir dans toutes les chambres ! ","original_title":"Le Central Plaza est un tr\u00e8s bel h\u00f4tel d..."},"User":{"id":"5071647","name":"Mathilde Le Febvrier","username":"nueva","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5071647_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7388416","hashcode":"0269506eb9c06120b79e6910769772a1","post_time":"2010-10-13 19:47:31","o_width":"4288","o_height":"2848","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7388418","hashcode":"e170521ed0c7f0b5a6889d2ca6c51819","post_time":"2010-10-13 19:47:31","o_width":"4288","o_height":"2848","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7388419","hashcode":"888081845c0bd61821944efee970688a","post_time":"2010-10-13 19:47:31","o_width":"4288","o_height":"2848","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7388417","hashcode":"3ec2c589d7a7b963dcb62a1148ce7ac4","post_time":"2010-10-13 19:47:31","o_width":"4288","o_height":"2848","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7388420","hashcode":"ff74b2884ddeb73cf53c735fe1dad452","post_time":"2010-10-13 19:47:31","o_width":"4288","o_height":"2848","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7388421","hashcode":"f50bc4d9071a5c99c8604a1e43f51bbc","post_time":"2010-10-13 19:47:31","o_width":"2232","o_height":"2615","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"2197221","total_score":"25","content":"LOVED BY KNOW U, FLAT CITY, CLEAN, ALL EASY WALKING, suffered somewhat tongue WITH MORE THAN A PLACE WONDERFUL CONTRARIO unforgettable, I have been U FOR 10 DAYS, WAS GOOD ALL, WAS WITH A GREAT FRIEND, AND WAS VERY SHOW AND THE ZURICH 40KM THIS BEAUTIFUL WATERFALL EVEN GOD THING","title":"Sui\u00e1 - ZURICH","hidden":0,"post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","lang_flag":"pt","original_content":"ADOREI CONHECER POR L\u00c1, CIDADE PLANA, LIMPA, TUDO F\u00c1CIL DE ANDAR, SOFRI UM POUCO COM A L\u00cdNGUA, MAIS DO CONTRARIO UM LUGAR MARAVILHOSO INESQUEC\u00cdVEL, ESTIVE L\u00c1 POR 10 DIAS, FOI TUDO DE BOM, ESTAVA COM UM GRANDE AMIGO, E FOI MUITO SHOW E A 40KM DE ZURIQUE ESSA LINDA CACHOEIRA COISA DE DEUS MESMO","original_title":"SUI\u00c7A - ZURIQUE"},"User":{"id":"5700002","name":"Rik Chaves","username":"rikchaves","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5700002_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"8113970","hashcode":"a5dfddbcf48fb828979bf31c0352d820","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113968","hashcode":"c22788e42c5a87187ad5e4f289ae279b","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113967","hashcode":"f0bcdeb6e5e0b4024272b7fd1a257359","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113966","hashcode":"8883e8124f135eef940892034e1797d2","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113948","hashcode":"a7b94ff3b4060e175438c5b5c78ed1a2","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113946","hashcode":"d2ef5cd3708397ededce71b948652023","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"540","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113932","hashcode":"0c85abf8d70825ae007749745f938b9d","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"540","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113978","hashcode":"6451caacfb72fe766bba96a1b5af3fce","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113974","hashcode":"1fe08ea024a72d63f021f33936ea1e58","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113973","hashcode":"43ff43b6d9d0224e29f77a13c9152f79","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8113972","hashcode":"2e48b490943efcd4b9832d0d1905e6da","post_time":"2015-02-19 16:05:43","o_width":"720","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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Restaurants in Almagro

64 contributors

24 places to eat in Almagro

Restaurants in Almagro
Restaurants in Almagro
La Muralla Restaurant
Just like the rest who have reviewed this place, and thanks to those of you who had because we discovered this charming place with
Restaurants in Almagro
Abrasador Restaurant
At this place you can savour delicious grilled meats in a charming, cozy place downtown (near the municipal theater, Plaza Mayor a
Restaurants in Almagro
La Posada de Almagro Restaurant
What more can you ask from a good dinner? The food was very good and very well decorated dishes, the best wine, and the location i
Restaurants in Almagro
El Patio de Ezequiel
Ezekiel is a wonderful person who I had the pleasure of meeting a long time ago and I was surprised to find this place in the summ
Restaurants in Almagro
La Membrilleja Restaurant
The Membrilleja Restaurant is in Almagro, in Ciudad Real, Spain and it has a kitchen that's full of flavors and sensations, like d
Restaurants in Almagro
El Pollo Restaurant
The El Pollo Restaurant offers typical Manchego food, like their famous croquettes that are well known for how they're made. There
Restaurants in Almagro
El Señorío de Almagro Restaurant
The restaurant El Senorio de Almagro is in the town of Almagro, which was declared to be an Historic-Artistic town. The town owes
Restaurants in Almagro
Calatrava Restaurant
The Restaurant Calatrava (Almagro - Ciudad Real - Spain) offers traditional cuisine and specialties of Manchega. Signature dishes
Restaurants in Almagro
Asador Casa Mauri Restaurant
Rustic restaurant that specializes in delicacies of Mancha. Notably baked goat, roasted partridge pate, castellanos and desserts,
Restaurants in Almagro
Tapas Bars in Almagro
El Gordo Bar
This is the bar of a lifetime. My friends and I go every weekend. It is great for tapas and typical raciones. Highly recommended.
Restaurants in Almagro
Las Nieves Restaurant
Hello, everyone! On the last 18th of the month I took a look at the Las Nieves Restaurant's website, and I found this gentleman's
Restaurants in Almagro
Cepa Vieja Restaurant
The place we went to eat at was the recommendation of the tourist minibus driver. Frankly, the place was good. We ate a great and
Tapas Bars in Almagro
Bar El Tapeo
A beer with a tapa and a little bit of kindness. This is what we offer at Bar El Tapeo. It's a small place that occupies 2 floors
Restaurants in Almagro
Restaurants in Almagro
Restaurants in Almagro
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