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[{"Comment":{"id":"1850238","total_score":"57","content":"This castle was built in the 11th century on a rocky outcrop overlooking the valley of Dolo. This building had up to three speakers, forming an imposing defensive structure. The first was enveloped by a packed 38 rounds, and the Third was built later. In 1370, after a terrible battle, Du Guesclin Bressuire free of British rule and according to tradition, he hanged the Governor to the battlements of the massive castle tower. This feudal fortress, are the remains of the main building. The currently visible remains date mostly from the late 12th century and early 13th century. In the first half of the 18th century the castle was partially dismantled mainly due to poor maintenance and a new home was raised in 1880, down from the old. The castle belonged to the 11th to the 13th century to the Beaumont family, after which several owners have succeeded, and he slowly fell into disrepair before serving career in the 18th and 19th centuries. The municipality bought it in 1975, and parts of the castle are classified. This place has since become a mecca of culture. Place annually hosts the Symposium, a festival of sculpture, but also exhibitions, etc ...","title":"This castle was built in the 11th...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Ce ch\u00e2teau a \u00e9t\u00e9 construit au 11\u00e8me si\u00e8cle sur un \u00e9peron rocheux dominant la vall\u00e9e du Dolo. Cet \u00e9difice a compt\u00e9 jusqu'\u00e0 3 enceintes, formant un ensemble d\u00e9fensif imposant. La premi\u00e8re a \u00e9t\u00e9 envelopp\u00e9e par une garnie de 38 tours, et la trois\u00e8me a \u00e9t\u00e9 construite par la suite.\r\n\r\nEn 1370, apr\u00e8s une redoutable bataille, Du Guesclin lib\u00e8re Bressuire de la domination anglaise et selon la tradition, il aurait fait pendre le Gouverneur aux cr\u00e9neaux de la tour massive du ch\u00e2teau.\r\n\r\nDe cette forteresse f\u00e9odale, subsistent les vestiges du corps de logis. Les vestiges actuellement visibles datent essentiellement de la fin du 12\u00e8me si\u00e8cle et du d\u00e9but du 13\u00e8me si\u00e8cle. Dans la premi\u00e8re moiti\u00e9 du 18\u00e8me si\u00e8cle le ch\u00e2teau a \u00e9t\u00e9 partiellement d\u00e9mantel\u00e9 principalement \u00e0 cause d'un mauvais entretien, et un nouveau logis a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9lev\u00e9 vers 1880, en retrait par rapport \u00e0 l'ancien. Le ch\u00e2teau a appartenu du 11\u00e8me au 13\u00e8me si\u00e8cle \u00e0 la famille Beaumont, apr\u00e8s quoi plusieurs propri\u00e9taires se sont succ\u00e9d\u00e9s, et il tomba lentement en ruine avant de servir de carri\u00e8re aux 18\u00e8me et 19\u00e8me si\u00e8cles. La municipalit\u00e9 l'a achet\u00e9 en 1975, et certaines parties du ch\u00e2teau sont class\u00e9es. Cet endroit est devenu depuis un des hauts lieux de la culture. Chaque ann\u00e9e un le lieu abrite le Symposium, un festival de la sculpture, mais \u00e9galement des expositions, etc...","original_title":"Ce ch\u00e2teau a \u00e9t\u00e9 construit au 11\u00e8me si\u00e8..."},"User":{"id":"5070979","name":"Adrienne","username":"adriennezmiko","has_avatar":"3","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5070979_80x80_3.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7383512","hashcode":"d23460dfe573a5b55097f4095b58a79e","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383516","hashcode":"6ee2f480b678ad2f4f1256a207a95493","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"1840","o_height":"3264","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383515","hashcode":"9aab851305b9ada11dc7cdf00f2f6296","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383513","hashcode":"ded423f75f8c7b316f5f6dbbed6cea29","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383520","hashcode":"ed84570a1ec52be6971b00e695b5c360","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"1840","o_height":"3264","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383514","hashcode":"46ce7352692c05c392f6ec01a089b3e8","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383528","hashcode":"e3e9601d5fa291a1bb06c145e4fefdee","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"1840","o_height":"3264","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383522","hashcode":"361d83453c4bbc3da0f73401075eb67b","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383519","hashcode":"02991006d6930aa7a1ad9821e9d0505b","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383521","hashcode":"9358eb77cfdfd529b46bf7f850e2c87a","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"1840","o_height":"3264","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383517","hashcode":"8da7f37ad5131a08cffb33822434ac92","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383526","hashcode":"b6648436bc2d80c5adf6487e233bc924","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383525","hashcode":"1679e45ec4a049e389b010e80cc32cc9","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"1840","o_height":"3264","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383523","hashcode":"ca2e5139021cf0d4101df459e0f2aafa","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"1840","o_height":"3264","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383527","hashcode":"d18790bc27406d5eea6de4e71892f4d5","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383518","hashcode":"493dbd0c467d83bed17c44117b43fb39","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7383524","hashcode":"d4f11de752c8bc3e5a4a2c5e20b38d8e","post_time":"2010-09-10 17:46:18","o_width":"3264","o_height":"1840","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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Restaurants in Campo de Alicante

457 contributors

218 places to eat in Campo de Alicante

Restaurants in Alicante
Rincon de Antonio
This rural-style restaurant in the old town of Alicante offers good service, quality, and quantity. This restaurant still holds on
Restaurants in Alicante
El Capricho de Raquel
A family restaurant, cozy and very well-kept. In Urbanova, near the airport of Alicante. You can find traditional Mediterranean cu
Restaurants in Alicante
Restaurante Katagorri
Actually, today there are two Katagorri in Alicante, on C / Portugar and on the Rambla. I can only say that the food is the best I
Restaurants in Alicante
Restaurante Santísima Trinidad
This is a replica of an eighteenth century Spanish galleon, permanently docked at the port in Malaga. It can be towed to any port
Culinary Interest in Alicante
Pasteleria Torreblanca
To make a comparison, you could say that Paco Torreblanca is to desserts what Ferrán Adria is to high-cuisine. His desserts and pa
Culinary Interest in Alicante
Alberto Monerris Sirvent e Hijas
In a place as obsessed with turrón (nougat) as Alicante, it’s difficult to find a turrón vendor that really stands out. This kiosk
Restaurants in Alicante
Pizzería Provenzal
This excellent pizzeria is situated by the sea. The pizzas and salads are delicious and served in a traditional style. If it it is
Cafés in San Vicente del Raspeig
Restaurants in Alicante
Restaurante El Gamba
We love to go to this bar-restaurant when we're enjoying a weekend break. As well as being in front of the little beach, the sea b
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La Ereta
The whole city can be seen through the large windows of this restaurant, on the wall of the Castillo de Santa Barbara in Alicante.
Restaurants in Alicante
El Portal Taberna & Wines
This is a fantastic place with great atmosphere and decor. It brings together the coolest people of Alicante, and with its kitchen
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Isla Marina
Isla Marina faces the city of Alicante, just at the end of Postiguet Beach. You can sit here and enjoy the water splashing you as
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A restaurant without great fanfare or luxury, it is simple but that's not what is important, what matters is the quality of its di
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Restaurants in Alicante
My experience at L'arruzz of Alicante has been very good. The service was impeccable and the atmosphere is great. As for the food,
Restaurants in El Campello
Restaurante Casa Mariano
Probably one of the most creative kitchens in El Campello. Located on the waterfront, it's a culinary experience. The sampler menu
Cafés in Alicante
Cafe Bar Principal
Cinema and theatre food concessions often have limited quality products, focusing on the fast and simple. Well, here things are a
Restaurants in Alicante
Bruno Caruso
Located in the center of Alicante, this is a good place to have a dinner with your partner or friends, as it is located in the ver
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