This is an incredible vintner's route...
This is an incredible vintner's route along the Yakima River in Benton County. The economy of this area is based on agriculture. In addition to fruit orchards and packaging facilities, it is a recognized winemaking location. Yakima Valley is one of the leading producers of quality wines in the USA. the climate and soil of this valley are ideal for the development of wine grapes. Enjoy the stunning natural scenery and stop at each winer to taste the different types of wine. This is not a waste. Here's a list of places to visit to taste the wines around Prosser.
Winery States Airfield
Alexandria Nicole Cellars
Cellars Bunnell
Family Winery
Canyon Rim
CR Sandidge Wines
Chelan winery
Prosser Chandler Vineyards
French Castle
Champoux Chinook Wines Winery
Vineyards Colombia Crest
Cowan C.
Sandridge Desert Wind Vineyard
Winery and Inn Hinzerling Winery
Vintner Hogue basements
loose McKinley Kestrel Winery
winery States Olsen Brothers
Pontin del Roza Winery
Prosser Wine Company
Snipes vineyards
Snoqualmie Vineyards
Gap Thurston Wolfe Winery
VineHeart Family Cellars
Winery Waddle Willow Crest Winemaker's Loft
Whitstran Brewing Company
Yakima River Winery