Questa bella spiaggia, si trova a metà strada tra Akumal e Puerto Aventuras, in direzione di Playa del Carmen.
L'abbiamo raggiunta con i collettivo che ci hanno lasciato nella carettera.
Si paga un ingresso, ad un messicano che vive proprio vicino alla strada, a noi avevano detto che il costo sarebbe stato di 25 pesos a testa mentre il signore "gentilmente" ci dice che invece il costo era di 40!
Non è per il costo in sé che è irrisorio, ma per come ci ha fatto sentire!
Comunque questo biglietto, viene rimborsato nel caso si pranzi nel ristorantino fronte mare.
Per raggiungere la spiaggia si percorre una strada sterrata di circa un km, come ho già detto c'è un ristorantino, ed è parzialmente attrezzata con lettini.
Si possono fare sport nautici e c'è anche un diving center. E' una spiaggia abbastanza grande, l'abbiamo trovata particolarmente sporca, con diversi rifiuti, nonostante si paghi un ingresso non è curata, se non davanti ai resort, spero che questo sia stato solamente per il periodo di bassa stagione...
This beautiful beach is located halfway between Akumal and Puerto Aventuras, in the direction of Playa del Carmen. We reached with the collective who have left us in Carettera. You pay an entrance hall, a Mexican who lives right next to the road, we were told that the job would cost 25 pesos each while the ladies 'kindly' tells us that instead the cost was 40! It is not the cost that is insignificant in itself, but as it made us feel! However, this ticket will be refunded in case of meals in the restaurant overlooking the sea. To reach the beach you take a dirt road about a mile away, as I have already said, there is a restaurant, and is partially equipped with sun loungers. You can do water sports and there is also a diving center. It 'a beach big enough, we found it particularly dirty, with various types of waste, even though you pay an entrance is not cured, if not in front of the resort, I hope that this was only for the off-season ...
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Ideally located 25 kilometers south of...
Idéalement situé, à 25 kilomètres au Sud...
Idéalement situé, à 25 kilomètres au Sud de la charmante cité balnéaire de Playa del Carmen, sur les rives de la mer des Caraïbes, le site naturel de Xpu Ha est un véritable petit coin de paradis. Bordé par une mer aux mille variations de bleu turquoise et par une plage de sable fin comme on n'en voit que dans les films et sur les cartes postales, le site abrite de nombreux hôtels paradisiaques de grand standing, ainsi que quelques hébergements plus abordables et plus modestes, tels qu'un joli petit camping implanté directement sur la plage. Quel bonheur que d'y observer un magnifique lever de soleil sur cette plage éserte, en sortant la tête de sa tente ! On peut également y louer des jet-skis sans permis bateau (obligatoire en France), des planches à voile, catamarans ou petits bateaux à moteur sur la petite base nautique qui jouxte le camping. Havre de paix, ce site naturel vous assure un dépaysement complet !
Ideally located 25 kilometers south of the charming seaside town of Playa del Carmen, on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, the natural site of Xpu Ha is a little corner of paradise. Surrounded by a sea of a thousand variations of turquoise and a sandy beach as we only see in movies and on postcards, the site is home to many idyllic luxury hotels, as well as some more affordable accommodation and more modest, such as a nice little campsite located directly on the beach. What a joy to observe a beautiful sunrise on the beach éserte, leaving the head of his tent! One can also rent jet skis without boat license (required in France), windsurfing, catamarans and small motorboats on the small naval base adjacent to the campsite. Haven, this natural site provides you with a complete change of scenery!
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valentina ferrucci
incredible solitary beach a few kilometers from the center of playa del carmen
Increíble playa solitaria.
A unos pocos kilómetros del centro de playa del Carmen, recomendadísimo para los que prefieren tranquilidad con un mar transparente y arenas blancas. Hay que pagar 50 pesos la entrada, y luego a relajarse en el Caribe. Un destino imperdible dentro de tu itinerario por quintana roo.
incredible solitary beach a few kilometers from the center of playa del carmen, recommended for those who prefer tranquility with a transparent sea and white sands, you have to pay 50 pesos for the entrance, and then to relax in the Caribbean! an unmissable destination within your itinerary by quintana roo
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Jes Sica
The most beautiful beach in all of Mexico
La playa más bonita de todo México
Me aloje en el Hotel Catalonia Royal Tulum solo por la playa. Larga, blanca y turquesa, la más bonita que he visto nunca.
The most beautiful beach in all of Mexico! I stay at the Hotel Catalonia Royal Tulum just by the beach! Long, white and turquoise! The most beautiful I"ve ever seen!
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Karina Falconi
A magical place
Un sitio mágico
Naturaleza en todo su esplendor, nidos de tortugas, peces nadando junto a ti. Una experiencia bellísima.
A magical place! Nature in all its splendor, nests of turtles, fish swimming next to you !! A beautiful experience
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Aleo Rodriguez
Playa recomendable, muy tranquila para...
Playa recomendable, muy tranquila para visitar en familia, 100 por ciento recomendable, entre Playa del Carmen y Tulum
Inma Delgado Cuesta
So ... it was true!
Entonces... ¡era verdad!
Esta es mi playa favorita, en la Península de Yucatán (México). La primera vez que fui a Xpu Ha pensé que era la playa más bonita que había visto nunca. ¡Hasta entonces siempre había pensado que las playas de agua turquesa y arena blanca eran creaciones de los fotógrafos, que exageraban los colores gracias a los filtros de sus cámaras o a programas de edición de fotos! Pero no, existen.
This is my favorite beach in the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico). The first time I went to Xpu Ha I thought it was the most beautiful beach I had ever seen. Until then I had always thought that the beaches of white sand and turquoise water were creations of photographers, they exaggerated the colors thanks to the filters in your camera or photo editing programs! But no, there.
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aniki larsen
Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Playa del Carmen, México.
La selva a Pie de playa...
The forest at the Beach ...
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Charlie Montoya
Luz dorada de la tarde en esta increíble playa del caribe mexicano, donde las texturas de la vegetación contrastan con las rocas y la arena blanca del hermoso golfo de México, para mi es de los rincones mas bellos.
Golden evening light in this incredible beach in the Mexican Caribbean, where the textures of the rocks contrast with the vegetation and the beautiful white sand Gulf of Mexico, for me it is the most beautiful corners.
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Samanta Gutiérrez
Place with beauty without equal
Lugar con belleza sin igual
Donde las olas son de magia y no solo de agua salada. Donde se vive y respira el amor por la naturaleza, llamado santuario; y definitivamente lo es por su exquisita manera de llenarte el alma de alegría y paz.
Place with beauty without equal, where the waves are magic and not only salt water. Where you live and breathe the love for nature, called sanctuary; and it definitely is because of its exquisite way of filling your soul with joy and peace.
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David Rodriguez
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