eXplorador Escocés
Charm of the French coast
Wissant is a village on the northern coast of France, south of Calais, which is incredibly popular with British tourists cross the Channel throughout the year, which explains the numerous signs indicating Bed & Breakfasts. However, the scene changes a lot depending on when you visit the village, as often the case in coastal locations. The town is lovely with rural elements mixed with the coastal feel. Its center has two main places, the church of San Nicolas and the Town Hall Square, with the war memorial (which has some uncommon colours, like blue and white). The village ends at the beach. There is a kind of channel that is filled by the tide, so it can be completely dry or floating boats.
Apparently it is very famous for its seafood cuisine, but as I said, there's more British tourists aware of this place than some of the French. Personally I prefer the winter here, when it's more like a small town than in July and August when it may be hard to walk because it's so busy ... but like everything, to each their own.
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