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Wat Phra Kaew (Emerald Buddha Templ)

59 contributors

32 reviews of Wat Phra Kaew (Emerald Buddha Templ)

The Emerald Buddha Temple (Wat Phra Kaew)

The Emerald Buddah Temple (Wat Phra Kaew in Thai) is the most important Buddhist temple in Thailand and is located within the compound of the Grand Palace in Bangkok in the historic center of the Thai capital. It is the home of the legendary (and singular in the world) Emerald Buddha, even though it is actually made of jade, and it is wearing clothes made of gold thread. It is a stunning space. The royal monastery Phra Si Ratana provides a dazzling view when the sun is reflected off its golden walls. The paintings that are protected by the interior walls tell the terrifying story of the formation of the region.

While the guardians (those ve accompany me in the photo) protect the building from evil spirits. All of this is a monument to the wealth and power of the country's monarchs from the last two and a half centuries. I video I have posted shows the impressive scale copy of Angkor Wat in Cambodia that I found in one of the courtyards. The best way to get there, you ask? By taxi or, even more authentic, by tuk-tuk.
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Amazing temple.


Unfortunately it’s tourism is way too much and makes it very difficult to move around the temple. Plus, it smells like feet as you have to take your shows off.

Between a real chaos "tuc-tuc" (we had...

Entre un autentico caos de "tuc-tuc"...

Entre un autentico caos de "tuc-tuc" (tuvimos la oportunidad de viajar mientras pilotaba el campeón de asia de "tuc-tuc"... Bueno al menos eso nos contó, y doy fe.. Que posiblemente lo era...). Llegamos -enteros- al Templo del Buda Esmeralda. El amarillo en tailanda es un color que demuestra el fervor a la familia real, en tailandia todos son absolutamente monarquicos... Muchisisima gente veras de amarillo. El templo contrasta con el entorno...Limpio, amplio... Brillante. Y eso que el distrito Phra Nakhon, es uno de los mas "cuidados" de Bankokg. El santuario consta de varios edificios, en el central se ubica esta pequeña-gran reliquia ( buda esmeralda, imposible de fotografiar) cuenta la leyenda que la estatua se creó en India, pero que tuvo un largo trayecto antes de llegar a Bangkok. Impresionante fervor de la religión budista en cuanto a ofrendas que incesantemente dejan en el patio continuo al lugar donde el buda reposa...Desde un montón de huevos, o tomates... (perfectamente colocados en una cesta), hasta inimaginables kilos de incienso que no cesan de quemarse. Veras que el templo está lleno de monjes indumentados con tunicas color naranja azafrán (así llaman a ese color). Ser monje en tailandia es como antaño hacer la mili en España, situación obligada por el gobierno, y durante un año.
Between a real chaos "tuc-tuc" (we had the opportunity to travel while piloting asia champion of "tuc-tuc" ... Well at least we had, and attest .. That was possibly ... ). We-whole-the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. Yellow is a color in Thailand demonstrating the fervor of the royal family in Thailand All are absolutely monarchical ... Muchisisima people really yellow. The temple contrasts with the environment ... Clean, spacious ... Bright. And that Phra Nakhon district, is one of the more "care" of Bankokg. The sanctuary consists of several buildings, is located in this small Central-great relic (Emerald Buddha, impossible to photograph) Legend has it that the statue was created in India, but had a long journey before reaching Bangkok. Stunning Buddhist fervor of religion as to leave offerings in the courtyard incessantly continued to where the Buddha sits ... Since a lot of eggs, or tomatoes ... (Perfectly placed in a basket), to unimaginable kilos of incense that continue to burn. You'll see that the temple is full of monks indumentados orange saffron robes (so call that color). Being a monk in Thailand is as old do national service in Spain, a situation forced by the government, and for a year.
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It is said that this figure comes from...

Se cuenta que esta figura procede de...

Se cuenta que esta figura procede de Chiang Rai y dio muchas vueltas hasta llegar a donde esta ubicada actualmente. Como le parara a la estatua del Buda de Oro: Http://www.Minube.Com/rincón/60401, esta también estaba oculta por una capa de yeso para evitar los robos y todas esas cosas. Fue descubierta por un abad el cual después de caerle un rayo a la figura descubrió que tenía un brillo verde que el confundió con esmeralda. "Señores" la estatua del Buda de Jade no es de esmeralda es de "Jade". Cuentan los relatos antiguos que intentó ser transportada a la vecina Chiang Mai, pero el elefante que lo transportaba se negó a seguir por el camino que llevaba a ese lugar. A la ciudad de Bangkok llego después de haber pasado por Laos, por Birmania, por la antigua capital Thom Buri, y una vez que Bangkok fue capital la saga de los reyes Rama construyó las magnificas edificaciones que albergan a esta figura, la mas valorada por todos los budistas, al menos los tailandeses, cuidada al extremo, "no se puede fotografiar" y si entras al recinto que la alberga te tienes que sentar con los pies hacia atrás como señal de veneración y respeto. Aunque se pudiera hacer fotos de la figura, esta se encuentra en un pedestal altísimo por lo que en cualquier caso habría que utilizar el zoom. Los documentos gráficos que aquí veréis fueron hechos desde fuera del recinto y con el zoom a tope.
It is said that this figure comes from Chiang Rai and took many detours to get where he is currently located. As I stopped at the Golden Buddha statue: Http :/ / www.Minube.Com/rincon/60401, this also was hidden by a layer of plaster to prevent theft and all that stuff. It was discovered by an abbot who after Struck by Lightning to figure discovered he had a green glow that Confucius with emerald. "Gentlemen," the Jade Buddha statue is of emerald is "Jade". Ancient accounts that have tried to be transported to neighboring Chiang Mai, but the elephant carrying it refused to follow the path that led to that place. The city of Bangkok came after having passed through Laos, Burma, the former capital Thom Buri and Bangkok was once the capital city of the kings Rama saga built the magnificent buildings that are home to this figure, the more valued by all Buddhist Thais at least, kept to the end, "can not shoot" and if you go to the site that hosts you sit back with your feet as a sign of reverence and respect. Although you could take pictures of the figure, this is on a very high pedestal so in any case we have to use the zoom. Documents charts will see here were made from outside the enclosure and the zoom all the way.
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One of the more rare the country Buddhas

Uno de los Budhas más raros del país

El Budha de esmeralda es uno de los más raros y venerados de Tailandia. Su construcción es diferente y extraña, siendo típica la figura de oro. En esta ocasión, una figura tan especial requiere un templo igual de especial, y es tan impresionante o más que el propio Budha. La visita son unos 100 bahts incluyendo la entrada a la zona del palacio real. Para entrar debes llevar "vestimenta apropiada", que se resume a camiseta corta y pantalones largos. Las pintas turísticas y la ropa de golfeo no sirven. Si no tienes ropa "apropiada", puedes alquilarla por 200 bahts la pieza en la entrada, que te devuelven al devolver la pieza. Si quieres quedarte algo, eres libre de hacerlo, pero no creo que te veas tentado, y menos a ése precio.
The Emerald Buddha is one of the most rare and revered in Thailand. Its construction is different and strange, being typical gold figure. On this occasion, a special figure requires a temple just as special, and is as impressive or more than the Buddha himself. The cards are about 100 baht including the entrance to the royal palace area. To enter you must wear "proper attire", which is summarized short shirt and pants. Tourist pints and apparel golfeo not work. If you do not have "proper" clothes, you can rent it for 200 baht at the entrance part, which you get back when you return the item. If you want to stay something, feel free to do so, but I do not think you are tempted, and less to that price.
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This large complex of Buddhist temples...

Grande complesso di templi buddisti...

Grande complesso di templi buddisti presente a Bangkok, è il luogo dove viene venerato il Buddha Smeraldo. L'entrata costa 350 baht a persona (circa 9€) e permette la visita all'intero complesso che include anche il Grand Palace e l'ingresso ai giardini del Dusit Palace. Prendetevi almeno tre ore di tempo per assaporare della magia dei vari simboli religiosi, delle stranezze delle numerose statue e per osservare attentamente le numerose pagode e decorazioni presenti ovunque in questo luogo mistico. E' aperto dalle 8:30 alle 3:30 del pomeriggio.
This large complex of Buddhist temples in Bangkok, is the place where the Emerald Buddha is worshiped. The entrance fee is 350 baht per person (about € 9) and allows to visit the entire complex, which also includes the Grand Palace and the entrance to the gardens of the Dusit Palace. Take at least three hours of time to savor the magic of various religious symbols, the oddities of the many statues and carefully observe the many pagodas and decorations everywhere in this mystical place. E 'open from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
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Wat Phra Kaeo (pronounced batting...

Le Wat Phra Kaeo (prononcez ouate pra...

Le Wat Phra Kaeo (prononcez ouate pra kéou;) est le temple le plus sacré de Thaïlande. Situé au plein cœur de Bangkok, jouxtant le palais royal, il abrite l'emblème national: Le Bouddha d'émeraude (en réalité constitué de jade). Ce temple est impressionnant de par sa taille, sa finition, et les pièces historiques qu'il contient. On peut notamment y admirer une des plus ancienne version du Ramakien, version Siamoise du Ramayana (épopée d'origine hindouiste relatant l'histoire de Rama, puis l'enlèvement de sa chérie Sita par les hordes du Mal et la guerre qui s'en est ensuivie...). Le Wat Phra Kaeo (prononcez Ouatte Pra Kéou;) est le symbole de Bangkok! Complexe abritant plusieurs temples et jouxtant le palais royal, son temple principal abrite le Bouddha d'émeraude (en fait en jade) qui est l'emblème du pays.
Wat Phra Kaeo (pronounced batting practice Keou ;) is the most sacred temple in Thailand. Located in the heart of Bangkok, adjacent to the Royal Palace, it houses the national emblem: The Emerald Buddha (actually made of jade). This temple is impressive by its size, finish, and historical pieces it contains. May especially admire one of the oldest version of the Ramakien, Siamese version of the Ramayana (epic Hindu origin tells the story of Rama and the kidnapping of his beloved Sita by the hordes of evil and war that ensued ...).
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The Temple of the Emerald Buddha,...

Le temple du Bouddha d'émeraude, situé d...

Le temple du Bouddha d'émeraude, situé dans l'enceinte du Palais Royal, contient la plus importante représentation de Bouddha de toute la Thaïlande : cette statue de Bouddha, habillée différemment suivant la saison, fait une soixantaine de centimètre de haut, et la légende raconte qu'elle apportera la religion dans la région. Elle est apparue en Inde pour la première fois 5 siècles après la mort de Bouddha (c'est à dire autour du premier siècle après J.C.), et a depuis traversé plusieurs pays dont la Birmanie et le Cambodge, avant d'êlire finalement son domicile en Thaïlande. De nos jours, nul n'est autorisé à approcher la statue à part le Roi, et chaque saison c'est donc celui-ci qui change la robe du Bouddha au cours d'une cérémonie officielle.
The Temple of the Emerald Buddha, located inside the Royal Palace, contains the largest representation of Buddha throughout Thailand: This Buddha statue dressed differently depending on the season, is sixty centimeters high, and Legend has it that it will bring the religion in the region. She appeared in India for the first five centuries after Buddha's death (ie, around the first century AD), and has since gone through several countries including Burma and Cambodia, before settling finally home Thailand. Today, no one is allowed to approach the statue from the King, and every season so this is one that changes the dress of the Buddha during an official ceremony.
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I found some pieces of the history of...

Encontré unos retazos de la historia de ...

Encontré unos retazos de la historia de este buda en el templo del mismo nombre de Chiang Rai. Os copio el intento de traducción (piedad) y os dejo la foto del documento. "BREVE HISTORIA DEL BUDA DE ESMERALDA Según la crónica de Phimwong Ratna, el Buda de Esmeralda fue esculpido (en piedra de jade verde) alrededor del 234 A.C. Por los dioses, como un regalo al venerable Nagasen Thera de Pataliputra (hoy Patna Bihar, estado de India). Más adelante, la imagen se trasladó a Sri Lanka. El Rey Anurudha de Pagan (Myanmar) pidió la Tripitaka y el Buda Esmeralda volvió desde Sri Lanka. El barco que transportaba la imagen del Buda de Esmeralda fue arrastrado a tierra camboya. El recién llegado tesoro quedó en manos de Camboya. Posteriormente la imagen se trasladó a Indrapatha (Angkor), Sri Ayudhaya, Lopburi y Kampaeng Phet. En 1390 D.C. El Rey Mahabhrom de Chiang Rai tomó la imagen de Kampaeng Phet y la escondió detrás del estuco en el interior de la pagoda del Wat Pa Yiah, en Chiang Rai. Fue en 1434, que un rayo golpeó la Pagoda, revelando su tesoro sagrado. Posteriormente, el Buda de Esmeralda se había trasladado de un lugar a otro de la siguiente manera: 1 - Chiang Rai de 45 años (a partir de 1391 a 1436) 2 - Lampang durante 32 años (desde 1436 hasta 1468) 3 - Chiang Mai para 85 años (a partir de 1468 a 1553) 4 - Laos 225 años (de 1553 a 1778) 5 - Bangkok, desde 1778 hasta la actualidad. El Buda Esmeralda esta el Paladio de la sociedad tailandesa. Ubicado en los terrenos del Gran Palacio y consagrado en la Capilla Real del Wat Phra Kaew. El Buda de Esmeralda vela por la nación tailandesa." Se puede llegar en barco por el río. Es el embarcadero "Tha Chang" y paran todas las líneas de barco, excepto la amarilla. También se puede llegar caminando, en un corto paseo, o en bicicleta de alquiler, desde el Wat Pho, cuyo embarcadero es "Tha Tien", y solo paran los barcos de bandera (línea) amarilla, y amarillo-verde. En la entrada te dejan pañuelos-falda, largos y una camisa, por si tu ropa es inapropiada. Debes dejar un depósito de 100 baths (poco más de 2 euros) que te devuelven cuando dejas las ropas. El ticket de entrada cuesta la friolera de 350 baths (7'50€), sin excepción (no admiten carnet de estudiante), e incluye, las visitas del Wat Phra Kaew, el Gran Palacio Real (en el mismo recinto) y un pequeño mapa de situación. También se pueden alquilar audio-guías en 8 diferentes idiomas, por 200 Baths (algo más de 4€) para unas dos horas. Te piden el pasaporte y admiten tarjeta de crédito. La visita dura esas dos horas tranquilamente, y más si eres amigo de esperar el momento de "foto sin gente", que los hay, pero requieren de tiempo y paciencia en lugares como este visitadísimo templo.
I found some pieces of the history of this Buddha in the main temple of Chiang Rai. I copied the translation attempt (piety) and I leave with a photo of the document. "Brief History of the Emerald Buddha Phimwong According chronicling Ratna, the Emerald Buddha was carved (in jade green) around 234 BC by the gods as a gift to the venerable Thera Nagasen of Pataliputra (now Patna Bihar state of India). Later, the image is moved to Sri Lanka. Anurudha King of Pagan (Myanmar) called the Tripitaka and the Emerald Buddha returned from Sri Lanka. The boat carrying the image of the Emerald Buddha was dragged ashore cambodia . Newcomer treasure was left of Cambodia. then moved to image Indrapatha (Angkor), Sri Ayudhaya, Lopburi and Kampaeng Phet. DC In 1390 King Mahabhrom Chiang Rai took the image of Kampaeng Phet and hid behind the stucco inside the pagoda of Wat Pa Yiah in Chiang Rai. was in 1434, lightning struck a pagoda, revealing their sacred treasure. Subsequently, the Emerald Buddha was moved from place to place as follows : 1 - Chiang Rai 45 years (from 1391-1436) 2 - Lampang for 32 years (from 1436-1468) 3 - Chiang Mai for 85 years (from 1468-1553) 4 - Laos 225 years (from 1553-1778) 5 - Bangkok, from 1778 to the present. The Emerald Buddha is the palladium of Thai society. Located on the grounds of the Grand Palace and enshrined in the Royal Chapel of Wat Phra Kaew. The Emerald Buddha oversees the Thai nation. " You can arrive by boat on the river. Is the pier "Tha Chang" and stop all boat lines, except the yellow. Also you can walk within a short walk or bike hire from the Wat Pho, the pier is "Tha Tien", and stop only flagged vessels (online) yellow, and yellow-green. At the entrance you leave handkerchiefs-skirt, long shirt, if your clothing is inappropriate. You must leave a deposit of 100 baht (just over 2 euros) which you get back when you leave the clothes. The input tickeck costs a whopping 350 baht (€ 7.50), without exception (not supported student card), and includes the views of Wat Phra Kaew, the Grand Palace (on premises) and a small location map. You can also rent audio guides in 8 different languages, for 200 Baths (just over € 4) for about two hours. They ask for your passport and credit card accepted. The tour takes those two carefree hours, especially if you're a friend of waiting time to "photo without people", there are, but they require time and patience in this much visited places like temple.
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At the end of an alley, you cross a...

Au bout d’une allée, on franchit une en...

Au bout d’une allée, on franchit une enceinte gardée par des démons yaksha chargés de repousser les mauvais esprits. Tuiles vernissées rouges, vertes, bleues et oranges, mosaïques et ors : Le sanctuaire le plus sacré du pays compose un somptueux ensemble architectural avec une véritable explosion de couleurs. Le Wat Phra Kaen (ou Grand Palais), situé à Bangkok, abrite dans un de ses nombreux temples un bouddha d'émeraude, statue la plus vénérée du pays, pour laquelle le roi accompagné des moines changent la toge trois fois par an au cours d'une grande cérémonie solennelle de fête (en été, on l’habille d’une tunique dorée ornée de diamants ; à la saison des pluies, une robe d’or émaillée de bleu ; et en hiver, une robe aux mailles d’or pur).
At the end of an alley, you cross a guarded by demons yaksha responsible repel evil spirits pregnant. Glazed tiles red, green, blue and orange, and gold mosaics: The holiest shrine of the country consists of a magnificent architectural complex with an explosion of colors. Wat Phra Kaen (or Grand Palace), located in Bangkok, home to one of the many temples a Emerald Buddha, the most revered statue of the country, where the king accompanied the monks robe change three times a year during a great ceremony party (summer, is dressed in a golden tunic adorned with diamonds in the rainy season, a gold enamelled blue dress, and in winter, the dress of mesh pure gold).
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Thailand's most revered Buddha, the...

Bouddha le plus vénéré de Thaïlande, le Bou...

Bouddha le plus vénéré de Thaïlande, le Bouddha d'émeraude trône au milieu d'un magnifique temple recouvert de marbre et d'or. Vaste lieu de culte, ce temple est également entouré de murs sur lesquels de très belles fresques retracent la vie de Bouddha. Gratuit pour les Thaïs, l'accès est cependant payant pour tous les autres (environ 200Bth soit 4 euros). Vous pourrez également accéder au palais royal, très beau monument chargé de l'histoire politique du pays. Préférez les heures d'ouverture si vous ne voulez pas être pris dans la foule!
Thailand's most revered Buddha, the Emerald Buddha sits in the middle of a magnificent temple covered with marble and gold. Large place of worship, the temple is surrounded by walls where beautiful frescoes depicting the life of Buddha. Free Thais, however access is paying for all the other (about 200Bth or 4 euros). Guests also have access to the royal palace, beautiful monument responsible for the country's political history. Prefer open if you do not want to be caught in the crowd hours!
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Impressionante. Recomendo ir cedinho porque o calor às 12 é quase insuportável e o templo fecha às 15:30. Dica: vá com calça ou saia lo ga e os brços cobertos. No caso dos homens, de calça. Paguei 400 bht na entrada, mas creio que foi pela temporada alta. O preço normal que eu vi nos guias é de 350 bht.
Impressive. I recommend going very early because the heat is almost unbearable at 12 and the temple closes at 15:30. Tip: go with pants or skirt and brços ga it covered. For men, the pants. I paid 400 bht at the entrance, but I think it was the high season. The normal price I've seen in guides is 350 bht.
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The Temple of the Emerald Buddha

El templo del Buda Esmeralda

Bangkok es una ciudad bulliciosa, donde aburrirse es imposible. Pero además de la propia vida de la ciudad, el viajero puede disfrutar con su gran patrimonio cultural, donde destacan especialmente los templos y los palacios. El Gran Palacio y Wat Phra Kaeo, conocido por ser el templo del Buda Esmeralda, es una parada imprescindible. Este gran palacio contiene en su interior un sinfín de templos y edificios de distintos estilos arquitectónicos. El que más nos llama la atención es el Eat Phra Kaeo, donde descansa el Buda Esmeralda, una de las imágenes de Buda más veneradas en Tailandia. No es lo único que merece la pena de la visita, ya que en este reciente, no nos podemos perder las Decoraciones Reales Tailandesas o el Pabellón de Monedas. Se puede visitar todos los días desde las 8:30 a 3:30. El precio de la entrada es 200baht (unos 8 euros).
Bangkok is a bustling city, where it is impossible to get bored. But in addition to the life of the city, travelers can enjoy their great cultural heritage, which include especially the temples and palaces. The Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaeo, known as the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, is a must. This grand palace contains within it a myriad of temples and buildings of various architectural styles. Whoever catches our attention is the Eat Phra Kaeo, where rests the Emerald Buddha, one of the most revered Buddha images in Thailand. It's all worth a visit, as in this recent, we can not miss the Royal Thai Decorations and Coin Pavilion. It can be visited every day from 8:30 to 3:30. The ticket price is 200baht (about 8 euros).
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The Temple of the Emerald Buddha

El Templo del Buda Esmeralda

El Wat Phra Kaew y el Gran Palacio son el deleite del lujo asiático.
The Wat Phra Kaew and the Grand Palace are the delight of luxury asitico.
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beautiful architectural structure

Hermosa estructura arquitectonica

Es el templo budista mas importante de Tailandia, ubicado en la zona de los palacios, en el centro histórico de Bangkok.
It is the most important Buddhist temple in Thailand, located in the palaces area, in the historical center of Bangkok. beautiful architectural structure.
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Information about Wat Phra Kaew (Emerald Buddha Templ)