Flavia Ramos
Wall of Cartagena
These walls were designed in order to protect Cartagena de Indias from suffering ongoing pirate attacks. Its construction was carried out in stages. It began in 1586 with Bautista Antonelli, an Italian engineer in service of the Spanish Crown. It was completed two centuries later. Its average height ranges from 6 to 8 m and is built entirely on coral rock, which is typical in the area. Today the wall only surrounds the old city partially, since part of it was demolished by the initiative of a mayor, which is a real shame. The state of what remains is quite acceptable, although they did make a few bridges so they could move the cars from the "Stone Corral" to the rest of Cartagena.
I still say it's a real pleasure to walk along the wall at night or late afternoon when the majority of the tourists have gone, given that during the day the tourist groups come and there are just way too many people.
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