A dreamy place
La Villa de Monaco (Monaco-Ville) is the capital city of the Principality of Monaco which, after the Vatican, is the smallest country in the world and the most densely populated. It is situated on the French Riviera, between the Mediterranean Sea and France. It has a total area of 2 km. Sq. It has an excellent Mediterranean climate. Monaco Ville is the old city, built on a rocky promontory, which extends into the Mediterranean. Montecarlo is the leading residential and hotel area. Given its small size it is very easy to go for a quick walk, go by car or by bus. You will pass by the cathedral where Princess Grace got married to Prince Rainier and you will also pass by the Court of Justice, the Hotel Hermitage, the port is one of the most protected in the world, the Oceanographic Museum and Institute organized by Jacques Cousteau, the Hotel de Paris.