One of the country´s most active volcanos campsite
The Vesturdalur Valley is in the Vatnajokull National Park, in the northern belt of Iceland, in one of the country's most active volcanos. It has the most incredible canyons of the island. It is a zone with a lot of biodiversity, with over 230 recorded plant species. From the Park entrance to the camping area, it is around 12 km. The route is amazing and runs through canyons and zones as sobrecogerdoras and Hljóðaklettar ("Eco Rocks" in Icelandic). The camping area has toilets and food area. We come up to the visitor center to pay for the stay. In return they give you a sticker that you put in the store.
Install the store along a creek. It rained all day and, interestingly stopped when we started to build the tent. At first we were alone but in the end, most hikers were there. There were 4 shops.
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