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Heraklion Fortress

8 reviews of Heraklion Fortress

Venetian Fort

The Heraklion Venetian fortress dominates the port capital of the island of Crete. Since the 15th century the city has been dominated by the Venetians, and thus, it still shows its strength in the port today. The fort can be visited inside, but it's no big deal. It has a nice view of the city.


Along the way 25-Avgoustou downhill,...

Percorrendo la via 25-Avgoustou in...

Percorrendo la via 25-Avgoustou in discesa, che dal centro scende verso il mare, appare l’imponente profilo della Fortezza Veneziana, risalente al 1500, che domina il porto cittadino. Le massicce mura esterne rendono l’idea di quanto questa fortezza fosse inespugnabile. L’ingresso costa 2 euro e permette di visitare le grandi e buie sale interne, ampiamente restaurate, dove ancora si trovano le antiche e pesanti palle di cannone e la ripida salita che conduce fino al piano superiore. Salendo sulle mura, si godono bei panorami sul porto e la città, con le antiche mura che circondano il centro storico ed una panoramica generale sulla grandezza della fortezza
Along the way 25-Avgoustou downhill, and the center down to the sea, the imposing profile of the Venetian Fortress, dating from 1500, which dominates the city port. The massive outer walls give an idea of ​​what this fortress was impregnable. Entrance costs € 2 and allows you to visit the great and dark interior rooms, fully restored, where you can still find the old and heavy cannon balls and the steep climb that leads to the upper floor. Climbing up the walls, enjoying beautiful views of the harbor and the city, with its ancient walls surrounding the historic center and a general overview on the magnitude of the fortress
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Beautiful walls

Belles murailles

Le fort vénitien est un élément majeur du décor maritime d'Héraklion. Bien que désaffecté, ce bâtiment du XVIè siècle assure protection aux fragiles barques de pêche qui viennent s'amarrer à ses pieds. La porte est blasonnée du lion de Saint Marc ; les murailles épaisses en pierres de taille offrent un cachet historique face à la ville qui se modernise, face aux géants ferries qui accostent non loin de là. Quant à la digue, elle est d'une longueur impressionnante
The Venetian fort is a major component of marine decor of Heraklion. Although abandoned, the building of the sixteenth century provide protection for fragile fishing boats coming to dock at his feet. The door is emblazoned the lion of St. Mark, the thick walls in stone offer a historical character facing the city is modernizing, facing the giant ferries that dock not far away. As for the dam, it is an impressive length
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During my trip to Santorini, I did stop...

Lors de mon voyage pour santorin, je...

Lors de mon voyage pour santorin, je faisais escale à l'aller comme au retour en crête. J'en ai donc profité pour découvrir Heraklion La forteresse vénitienne garde le vieux port. Assez basse et massive elle constitue à l'intérieur un dédalle de petite "ruelles" accédant aux différentes salles du fort. La vue sur la terrasse permet d'avoir un aperçu d'ensemble de Heraklion et de son port mais aussi des montagnes à l'ouest. Balayé par le vent, le fort est arrosé par les vagues qui "sautent" la digue. L'entrée coute 2€ pour les adultes et 1€ pour les étudiants (été 2009).
During my trip to Santorini, I did stop at the outward and return peak. So I took the opportunity to discover Heraklion Venetian fortress guard the old port. Relatively low mass and it is within a small dédalle "lanes" accessing the various rooms of the fort. The view from the terrace allows for an overview of Heraklion and its port but also the mountains to the west. Windswept, the fort is washed by waves "jump" the dam. Entry listening € 2 for adults and 1 € for students (summer 2009).
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In 1204 the island was purchased by the...

En 1204 l'ile de créte fut acheté par l...

En 1204 l'ile de créte fut acheté par le peuple Vénitien, qui améliorérent les forteresses de l'ile dont la forteresse de Koules de la ville de Héraklion qui suplombe le port de la ville. Le nom de la forteresse "Koulers" signifie en turc forteresse, elle etait à l'oigine une tour servant à stocker la nourriture et fut transformé en forteresse par les vénitiens afin de surveiller les cotes et éviter de nouvelles conquetes de l'ile. La visite du site et payante envions 5€, cependant vous pouvez simplement admirer le site de l'extérieur.
In 1204 the island was purchased by the inrush Venetian people, who improved the fortresses of the island with the fortress of Koules Heraklion city that suplombe the port city. The name of the fortress "Koulers" means in Turkish fortress, it was the oigine a tower used to store food and was transformed into a fortress by the Venetians to monitor the levels and avoid further conquests of the island. The site visit and pay € 5 envy, but you can just see the site from the outside.
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The port of Heraklion with the fortress...

Le port d'Heraklion avec la forteresse...

Le port d'Heraklion avec la forteresse vénitienne.En 1204, les Vénitiens achetèrent l'île de Crète à Boniface de Montferrat et ils modifièrent le nom arabe de la capitale crétoise El Khandak en Candie (Candia en italien), nom qu'elle conserva dans la diplomatie européenne jusqu'en 1898. Les Vénitiens améliorèrent grandement ses fortifications, et de nos jours, on peut encore voir le grand mur, qui fait par endroits quarante mètres d'épaisseur.
The port of Heraklion with the fortress vénitienne.En 1204, the Venetians bought the island of Crete to Boniface of Montferrat and they changed the Arabic name of the Cretan capital El Khandaq in Candia (Candia in Italian), the name it retained in European diplomacy until 1898. The Venetians améliorèrent greatly fortifications, and nowadays, you can still see the great wall, which in places forty feet thick.
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One of the few vestiges of ancient Heraklion

Uno de los pocos vestigios del antiguo Heraklion

Uno de los pocos vestigios del antiguo Heraklion que se conservan, construidos durante la ocupación veneciana en el siglo XIII. Su interior conserva algunas estancias interesantes que te remonta a su época de esplendor y unas bonitas vistas desde la terraza del puerto y la ciudad.
One of the few vestiges of ancient Heraklion that are preserved, built during the Venetian occupation in the thirteenth century. Its interior conserves some interesting rooms that take you back to its time of splendor and beautiful views from the terrace of the port and the city.
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If you do not pass a strong Venetian in Heraklion you have not seen anything

Si on ne passe pas fort vénitien à Héraklion vous n'avez rien vu

C'est le seul monument très beau à voir avec ces vagues qui éclatent sur les rochers très beau vu que la ville est sale et juste fait pour des magasins pour les touristes.
I find that if you do not pass ah Venetian Ah in Heraklion you have not seen anything because it is the only monument very beautiful to see with these waves bursting on the rocks very beautiful as the city is dirty and just made for Shops for tourists
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Information about Heraklion Fortress