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Valladolid Airport


9 reviews of Valladolid Airport

A small airport

I've used Ryanair a few times, most recently to fly from Valladolid to London Stansted Airport. It wasn't the unpleasant experience I was expecting it to be. But I did dislike the company's lies: for example, a one-hour flight will be advertising as leaving at 1 and arriving at 3, so it can run an hour late without a problem. You arrive at 2:45, and they proudly announce "another on-time Ryanir flight". That's why the company claims that it's the most punctual airline in Europe ... the other thing is that they claim to lose the least luggage, but really that's because nobody checks it in because it's so expensive! Well, apart from that, I can't really complain - for 30 euros you can go almost anywhere in Europe, and there are incredible 1c ticket offers sometimes.

You have to be very flexible with dates, though. Valladolid Airport is about 10 km from the city centre, and here you can take Ryanair flights to Milan, London and Brussels. Actually the trip was quite comfortable. I had no problem with Valladolid airport, as it's so small it's impossible to get lost or confused. There is a small restaurant outside the waiting area, but once you pass through the security check, there's nothing but vending machines. There are also flights to Barcelona with Iberia, and Air France to Paris.
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Valladolid Airport is a 10 km from the...

L´aéroport de Valladolid se trouve a 10 k...

L´aéroport de Valladolid se trouve a 10 km du centre ville. C´est de là que partent les vols de Ryanair vers Milan, Londres et Bruxelles. C´est un tout petit aéroport de province, ce qui est super, je rentrais sur Londres et je n´ai pas eu à attendre des heures pour le contrôle des passeports et des bagages, déjà parce qu´il y a peut être 10 vols par jours, et vraiment peu de monde, pas de queue, l´aéroport est de toute façon trop petit pour accueillir plus de vols, on ne se perd pas entre les terminaux, les portes d´embarquement… Il y a une seule entrée, on fait le rayon X et le contrôle des passeports au même endroit, au pire on attend 10 minutes, et si on a pas de bagages à enregistrer, et déjà imprimé son billet en ligne, on peut se permettre d´arriver 30 minutes avant le départ du vol. Les vols sont à l´heure, pour la même raison qu´ils n´ont pas besoin de tourner des heures dans le ciel pour que la tour de contrôle leur donne le droit d´atterrir. Il y a un petit restau hors de la salle d´attente, mais une fois qu´on a fait les formalités, pas de shopping ni de bar, seulement une machine à pièces pour des canettes et des chips.
Valladolid Airport is a 10 km from the city center. It is from here that Ryanair flights to Milan, London and Brussels. This is a small regional airport, which is great, I came to London and I did not have to wait hours for passport control and baggage already because there may be 10 flights days, and really few people, no tail, the airport is anyway too small to accommodate more flights, we do not get lost between terminals, gates ... There is only one entry is made the X-ray and passport control at the same place, at worst 10 minutes you wait, and if you have no bags to check, and already printed the ticket online, you can afford to arrive 30 minutes before departure vol. The flights are on time, for the same reason they do not need to turn in the sky for hours that the control tower gives them the right to land. There is a small restaurant out of the waiting room, but once we checked in, no shopping or bar, only a coin machine for cans and chips.
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Ten km of Valladolid, on the N-601, in...

A diez km de Valladolid , por la N-601...

A diez km de Valladolid , por la N-601 , en el termino municipal de Villanubla , el aeropuerto de Valladolid es el mas importante de Castilla y León . Inaugurado en 1938 , su primer vuelo fue con origen Vitoria y destino Sevilla .En 1991 , se abre al trafico internacional .Cuenta con una superficie de 4500 metros cuadrados y trabaja con nueve compañias aereas . Su horario al publico es de 6.30 a 22.30 , salvo exigencias aereas .Tiene fácil acceso en coche , ya que queda en la misma carretera , pero también llegan líneas de autobuses y la tarifa del taxi desde el aeropuerto y la capital vallisoletana y viceversa , tiene un precio fijo de 20 € . En su interior disponen de bar restaurante y tienda .
Ten km of Valladolid, on the N-601, in the municipality of Villanubla, Valladolid Airport is the most important of Castile and Leon. Opened in 1938, its first flight was originating and destination Sevilla Vitoria. In 1991, open to international traffic. Has an area of ​​4500 square meters and works with nine airlines. Its opening hours are from 6.30 to 22.30, except aerial requirements. Has easy access by car, as it is on the same road, but also get bus and the taxi fare from the airport and the city of Valladolid and vice versa, has a fixed price of € 20. The interior has a bar restaurant and shop.
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Painful beginning of the year

Penoso comienzo de año

Tengo un perro Teckel de pelo duro y vivo en Mallorca, he viajado con él en cabina con distintas compañías aéreas y nunca me han puesto ni media pega por el peso del perro, es muy compacto y pesa más de lo permitido, pero cabe perfectamente en el transportín que se adapta a la normativa y que cabe bajo el asiento delantero. Ayer, en un exceso de celo, el personal de facturación del aeropuerto de Valladolid (la compañía era Vueling), no nos permitieron viajar a mi mascota y a mi junto a mi marido de vuelta a Palma Perdimos el importe del billete del perro, 80 euros, ya que es un vuelo con escala y pagas dos trayectos, y el mío, tuvimos que coger un tren a Madrid y comprar otros billetes con Air Europa. Llegamos a casa a las 12h de la noche, habíamos salido hacia el aeropuerto a las 10 de la mañana. Gracias a esa señora y a ese señor que cumplen su trabajo a la perfección sin mover una ceja ni la comisura de los labios. Pues muchas gracias. Les deseo feliz año nuevo.
I have a hard-haired and alive Teckel dog in Mallorca, I have traveled with him in the cabin with different airlines and I have never been hit by the weight of the dog, it is very compact and weighs more than allowed, but it fits perfectly in the carrier that adapts to the regulations and that fits under the front seat. Yesterday, in an excess of zeal, the billing staff of the airport of Valladolid (the company was Vueling), they did not allow me to travel to my pet and me with my husband back to Palma. We lost the amount of the dog"s ticket, 80 euros, since it is a flight with a stopover and you pay for two trips, and mine, we had to take a train to Madrid and buy other tickets with Air Europa. We arrived home at 12 o"clock at night, we had left for the airport at 10 o"clock in the morning. Thanks to that lady and that man who do their job perfectly without moving an eyebrow or the corners of the lips. So thank you very much. I wish you a happy new year.
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A local airport, tiny, with the only...

Un aeropuerto local, pequeñito, con la ...

Un aeropuerto local, pequeñito, con la única pega de estar situado en la zona con más días de niebla de todo Valladolid, Villanubla. Una pena que esté tan desaprovechado. Los peajes, ultracaros. La atención en general muy buena. Limpieza muy adecuada.
A local airport, tiny, with the only drawback of being located in the area with more foggy days around Valladolid, Villanubla. A pity that he is so wasted. The tolls, ultracaros. The general attention very good. Very adequate cleaning.
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If you feel like traveling, go up and go anywhere

Si tienes ganas de viajar súbete y ve donde sea

Podrás llegar desde aquí a algún rincón de España, antes llegábamos hasta París, Londres e incluso hasta más lejos con algún transbordo.
You can get from here to some corner of Spain, before arriving to Paris London and even further with a transfer. But if you really want to travel, go up and go where they take you
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Good facilities, small size. He misses having few flights.

Buenas instalaciones, de tamaño pequeño. Le falla tener pocos vuelos.

Buenas instalaciones, de tamaño pequeño. Le falla tener pocos vuelos.
Good facilities, small size. He misses having few flights.
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Aeropuerto situado en Villanubla con escasos vuelos.
Airport located in Villanubla with few flights
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Small and functional

Pequeño y funcional.

Tuvo su origen en la Base Militar. Muy poco tráfico civil
It had its origin in the Military Base. Very little civil traffic
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