Tranquilo pero no demasiado como para aburrir a 15 minutos en colectivo del centro es un punto hermoso para pasar las vacaciones y su gente es maravillosa. Podéis encontrar la Rambla república de chile cerca de este mismo.
beautiful site. Demaciado quiet but not to bore you. 15 minutes by bus from the center is a beautiful spot to spend the holidays. and people are wonderful. you can find the Rambla Republic of Chile near the same!
See original
Victoria Cruz
Uruguay"s most popular city, very...
Cidade mais badalada do Uruguai, muito ecléctica. Montevideo conta com atrações para todas as idades e todos os gostos!!
Cidade mais badalada do Uruguai, muito ecléctica. Montevideo conta com atrações para todas as idades e todos os gostos!!
Uruguay"s most popular city, very eclectic. Montevideo has attractions for all ages and all gotos !! Uruguay"s most popular city, very eclectic. Montevideo has attractions for all ages and all gotos !!
See original
Azul Curto
It is a very quiet and familiar neighborhood
Es un barrio muy tranquilo y familiar
Donde hay muchas plazas muy lindas para disfrutar con toda la familia. Además una rambla hermosa especial para tomar mates en la rambla, hacer un día de playa, ir a hacer deporte y disfrutar de la vista.
It is a very quiet and familiar neighborhood. Where there are many beautiful places to enjoy with the whole family. In addition a special beautiful rambla to drink mates in the rambla, make a day at the beach, go to play sports and enjoy the view.
See original
Martin Sarthou
The night before we celebrate the end...
La noche antes celebramos el fin de...
La noche antes celebramos el fin de año. Fue con Victoria y sus compañeros de VTV
The night before we celebrate the end of year. It was with Victoria and her companions VTV
See original
Cecilia Quiroga
Like Diving
Al igual que Buceo
Es un barrio tranquilo y para disfrutar. Se puede disfrutar de la playa y la rambla.
Like diving, it is a quiet and enjoyable neighborhood. You can enjoy the beach and the promenade.
See original
Adriana Coello
He who lives here will not go away
El que vive aquí no se quiere ir
El que vive aquí no se quiere ir
He who lives here will not go away
See original
Mirtha Beatriz Scarone Vidal
It depends where transit
Depende por donde transiten.
Depende por donde transiten.
It depends where transit.
See original
Ruchia Glatz
One of the prettiest neighborhoods in Montevideo
Uno de los barrios más lindos de Montevideo
Uno de los barrios más lindos de Montevideo
One of the prettiest neighborhoods in Montevideo
See original
Mariana Hernandez
Of the few neighborhoods that have coastal parks
De los pocos barrios que tienen parques costa
De los pocos barrios que tienen parques costa
Of the few neighborhoods that have coast parks
See original
Mercedes Peirano
It"s all enjoyable
Es todo disfrutable
El mejor lugar para vivir. Playa espacios verdes y gente amigable.
the best place to live. It is all enjoyable. Beach green spaces and friendly people
See original
Belén Hualde
The best neighborhood in Montevideo, quiet and safe
El mejor barrio de Montevideo, tranquilo y seguro
El mejor barrio de Montevideo, tranquilo y seguro
The best neighborhood in Montevideo, quiet and safe
See original
claudia viejo
So cute.
Muy lindo.
Muy lindo.
So cute.
See original
Aviencie Dupuy
Residential area.
Zona residencial.
Con hermosa playa muy cerca del centro de Montevideo.
residential area with beautiful beach very close to downtown Montevideo
See original
marcela martinez aguirre
See original
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