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Ulm Minster


8 reviews of Ulm Minster

History and modernity

Ulm City was bombed on December 17, 1944 by Allied aircraft. In contrast to the surrounding buildings in the square, the famous cathedral was not completely deteriorated. It is also the tallest in the world. Its tower and ascent are spectacular. This means that the environment coexists with modern buildings.

Beautiful cathedral of Gothic style of...

Preciosa catedral de estilo gótico del ...

Preciosa catedral de estilo gótico del siglo XIV y que terminó de construirse en el XIX. Esta catedral posee la torre mas alta de iglesia del mundo con 161.53 metros de alto y sus 768 escalones creo, subir allí es una experiencia increíble. Las vistas sobre la ciudad, el Danubio en fin todo el entorno es particularmente bonito. El precio para subir a la torre eran 4€ menos con el carnet de estudiante. La suerte que tenemos hoy en día es que las bombas la respetaron cuando Ulm fue bombardeada en el 1944, se notan las secuelas cuando observas las vidrieras modernas al lado de las antiguas. Aunque este edificio comenzó a construirse para ser una catedral cristiana, tras la reforma pasó a ser una iglesia protestante.
Beautiful cathedral of Gothic style of the fourteenth century and ended constructed in the nineteenth. This cathedral has the highest church tower in the world with 161.53 meters high and its 768 steps I think, raise all is an incredible experience. The views over the city, the Danube in order whole environment is particularly beautiful. The price to climb the tower were 4 minus the student card. How lucky we are now given is that the bombs when the respected Ulm was bombed in 1944, the aftermath noticeable when you look at modern stained glass next to the old. Although this building began to be constructed to be a Christian cathedral, following the reform pas to be a Protestant church.
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Main Church of Ulm

Igreja Principal de Ulm

A Igreja principal de Ulm, ou Ulmer Münster em alemão, está situada na cidade de Ulm, cidade onde Einstein nasceu. A obra da igreja foi iniciada em 1377 e durou até 1543. A priori a obra foi financiada com recursos dos próprios moradores, na época a cidade tinha menos de 10 mil habitantes. No século XIX foi feito uma segunda obra na Igreja, que desta vez se concentrou nos acabamentos do interior, como pinturas e vitrais. Felizmente a igreja não foi destruída durante a segunda guerra mundial, tendo apenas um vitral do século XIX danificado. Algumas obras e o órgão foram retirados da igreja antes mesmo do bombardeio à cidade de Ulm. A igreja de Ulm é uma construção de superlativos, a igreja coleciona vários títulos como o de maior Igreja evangélica da Alemanha e maior torre de igreja do mundo, com 161,53 metros de altura. A igreja é sem dúvida o prédio mais imponente da cidade de Ulm, e pode ser avistada de longe.
The main Church of Ulm, Ulmer mnster or in German, are located in the city of Ulm, the city where Einstein was born. The work of the church was started in 1377 and lasted until 1543. A priori the work was financed with own resources of the residents at the time the city had fewer than 10,000 inhabitants. In the nineteenth century it was made a second work in the Church, this time focused on interior finishes such as paintings and stained glass. Fortunately the church was not destroyed during World War II, with only a stained glass nineteenth century damaged. Some works and the organ were removed from the church even before the bombing the city of Ulm. The Ulm Minster one building of superlatives, the church collects several titles as the most evangelical Church of Germany and world church tower, with 161, 53 meters tall. The church is undoubtedly the most imposing prdio city of Ulm and is visible from afar.
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768 steps

768 escalones

Con una perdida de movilidad del 80% en mi pierna izquierda no pensé que sería capaz de subir los 768 escalones que anuncia nada más abrir la puerta, La Torre de la Catedral de Ulm. Casi exhausta me paro a descansar y contemplar lo poco que me falta para lograr mi meta, después de ver esto y con fuerzas renovadas finalmente logro alcanzar la cumbre y ver increíbles vista de la ciudad de Ulm.
With a loss of 80% mobility in my left leg did not think I would be able to climb the 768 steps advertising just open the door, the Tower of the Cathedral of Ulm. Almost exhausted I stop to rest and contemplate how little I need to achieve my goal, after seeing this and restarted forces finally managed to reach the summit and see amazing view of the city of Ulm.
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I was amazed with its dated and gothic tower

Yo quedé maravillado con su fechada y torre gótica

¿Merece la pena hacer un alto en el camino en tu viaje entre Stuttgart y Munich en Ulm? Indudablemente. Y, dentro de Ulm, ¿qué hago? También indudablemente, visitar el Ulmer Munster y subir a su altísima torre. Yo quedé maravillado con su fechada y torre gótica. A partir de aquí me empezó a interesar la arquitectura.
Is it worth it to stop along the way on your trip between Stuttgart and Munich in Ulm? Undoubtedly. And, inside Ulm, what do I do? Also undoubtedly, visit the Ulmer Munster and climb its towering tower. I was amazed with its dated and Gothic tower. From here I started to get interested in architecture.
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Spring sunshine Ulm

Sole primaverile Ulm

Sole primaverile Ulm
Spring sunshine Ulm
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Small and beautiful city.

Pequeña y preciosa ciudad.

Para no perdérsela, acogedora y jardines inmensos.
For unmissable, cozy and big garden.
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169 meters of spire, on which you can also climb with a few hundred steps

Simbolo della città, maestoso

169 metri di guglia, su cui si può anche salire con qualche centinaio di scalini. Si impone nella piazza e resta visibile a km di distanza.
169 meters of spire, on which you can also climb with a few hundred steps. Symbol of the city, majestic, imposes itself in the square and remains visible km away
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Information about Ulm Minster