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Tuk- Tuks


26 reviews of Tuk- Tuks


One of the most popular means of transport in the city are motorcycles with a side-car. They are cheaper than a taxi. If you do not want to spend money or if you get caught in a heavy monsoon rain, you can go wherever you want. Of course, bear in mind that they go like crazy, so if you get scared easily, do not take it. In short, it is a good alternative to get around the city and also is exciting ...

Common throughout Southeast Asia

Songthaews are a common form of transportation not only in Thailand, but throughout Southeast Asia as well. You might describe them as being the "big brother" of the famous tuk-tuks. The front is a motorbike, but the back is a box with benches that are usually padded and lined with imitation leather or plastic. Prices depend on distance and haggling.


Not very nice


I'm sorry to say but Bangkok has been a total scam. As soon as we got here tuk Tuk asked us for 300 bth to our hotel and we only paid 70bth with meter taxi.

Next day we got in a tuk Tuk and they waste your time taking you to places that they make commission on.
Like Taylor suites and jewelry factory :(. They follow u around and tell you things are closed and try change all your plans. Not very nice.. And not just trying to make a living by slightly raising the price.

If it is a tradition that marks the...

S'il est une tradition qui marque...

S'il est une tradition qui marque l'esprit de tous les touristes à Bangkok, c'est bien celle des tuk-tuks, ces espèces de motos/taxis qui encombrent les rues de Bangkok ! Evidemment, on s'est fait avoir par la ruse la plus connue : un gentil Thaïlandais qui parle un excellent anglais a commencé à nous parler et nous a informé qu'à cette heure-là, le temps où on voulait aller était fermé, mais qu'il était préférable d'aller voir un autre excellent temple, après avoir déjeuné et visité une fabrique de tissus. Vu que ça semblait une bonne idée, il a fait signe à un tuk-tuk d'approcher - c'était évidemment un collègue, complice de ce trafic ! Il nous a emmené dans un resto tout pourri duquel il touchait sans doute une commission, et c'est là qu'on a compris ce qui se passait. On a donc négocié dur pour ne PAS aller plus loin avec lui, mais pour qu'il nous ramène dans le centre-ville ; contrairement à beaucoup d'histoires que j'ai pu entendre (et dans lesquelles les touristes se sont retrouvés coincé pendant plusieurs heures dans des boutiques de souvenirs), notre conducteur a finalement accepté de nous ramener pour un prix inférieur à celui initialement prévu ! Les tuks-tuks restent donc un moyen très pratique de se déplacer à Bangkok, mais mieux vaut se mettre d'accord à l'avance sur le prix... et sur l'itinéraire !
If it is a tradition that marks the spirit of all tourists in Bangkok, it is the tuk-tuks, these species motorcycle / taxis that clog the streets of Bangkok! Obviously, we got screwed by the best known trick: a nice Thai who speaks excellent English began to talk to us and informed us that that time, the time when we wanted to go was closed, but it was better to go to another great temple, after lunch and visited a factory of fabrics. Because it seemed like a good idea, he motioned to a tuk-tuk to approach - it was obviously a colleague, accomplice of the traffic! He took us into a rotten which he undoubtedly touched a restaurant commission, and this is where we understood what was happening. So we negotiated hard NOT to go further with it, but it brings us back to the city center, unlike many stories I've heard (and why tourists found themselves stuck for several hours in souvenir shops), our driver finally agreed to take us for a lower price than originally planned! The tuk-tuks are therefore a very convenient way to get around Bangkok, but it is better to agree in advance on the price ... and on the route!
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Strolling Tuk Tuk

Passeando de Tuk Tuk

Se for a Tailândia, com certeza vão falar para ter cuidado com os tuk tuks, pois são um transporte típico, barato e que na maioria das vezes, acabam "roubando" o turista. Comigo a experiência foi totalmente diferente, deu tudo super certo! É de fato muito barato, você chega a gastar R$ 6,00 em três pessoas em um trajeto de 15 minutos. Muito mais econômico que um taxi e né, só tem na Ásia. O que acontece é que PRECISA negociar. Não só o preço, mas fazê-los ir onde tem que ir e não te levar em lojas no meio do caminho. Seja incisivo, diga que se parar no meio do caminho, não irá pagar. É simples, tem que se impor, senão vai parar em trocentas lojas mesmo. É muito muito muuuuito legal andar de tuk tuk, procure um motorista amigável e bom passeio, diferente de todo mundo, eu digo que vale o esforço e dá certo sim!
If Thailand, they will surely talk to beware of the tuk tuks, as they are a typical transport, cheap and most often end up "stealing" the tourist. Me the experience was totally different, everything went super right! It is indeed very cheap, you get to spend R $ 6.00 in three people on a path of 15 minutes. Much cheaper than a taxi and right, has only in Asia. What happens is that NEED negotiate. Not only the price, but make them go where they have to go and do not take into shops along the way. Be firm, tell them to stop along the way, will not pay. It's simple, it has to be imposed, but will stop at the same trocentas stores. It's soooo very cool ride tuk tuk, look for a driver friendly and smooth ride, unlike everyone else, I say it is worth the effort and yes it works!
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The tuk-tuk is a very common means of...

Los tuk-tuk son un medio de transporte...

Los tuk-tuk son un medio de transporte muy habitual en Bangkok. Son motocicletas con 3 ruedas y adaptadas para llevar pasajeros. En Bangkok son más grandes que en otras ciudades y, por tanto, no tan incómodos. El tuktuk no es un medio de transporte recomendable. Se pueden negociar precios muy bajos, tanto como 20 baths (0,4 €) para un uso casi ilimitado, pero a cambio te paran en tiendas de Bangkok que pagan vales de gasolina por valor de 200 baths (casi 4 €) a los conductores de tuk-tuk por llevar potenciales clientes. Esto supone malgastar tiempo, así como la posibilidad de que el conductor del tuk-tuk te deje tirado porqué no le han entregado el vale de gasolina en la tienda y tu te niegues a hacer más paradas. Si no se desea o no se puede utilizar autobús, el taxi es una forma de transporte más adecuada que el tuktuk en Bangkok.
The tuk-tuk is a very common means of trransporte in Bangkok. Are motorcycles with three wheels and adapted to carry passengers. In Bangkok are larger than in other cities and therefore not so uncomfortable. The tuktuk not advisable transport medium. You can negotiate very low prices, as many as 20 baht (0.4 €) for almost unlimited use, but in return you stop at Bangkok stores that pay gas vouchers worth 200 baht (about 4 €) to drivers tuk-tuk to bring potential customers. This means wasted time and the possibility that the tuk-tuk driver pulled why not let you have it delivered the fuel in the store and you refuse to make more stops. If you do not want or can not use bus, taxi transport is a way more appropriate than the tuktuk in Bangkok.
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Fun and fast .. A way out of the...

Divertida y rápida.. Una forma de ...

Divertida y rápida.. Una forma de salir corriendo del calor abrasador que hace en las calles a partir de las 9.00 de la mañana. Ambiente húmedo y con la tensión por los suelos. La verdad que se agradece pero siempre hay que regatear hasta conseguir un buen precio.. Merece la pena y diría que es el mejor de los transportes en una ciudad tan caótica como es Tailandia.
Fun and fast .. A way out of the searing heat running in the streets doing from 9:00 am. Wet and stress by soil environment. The truth that is appreciated but always haggle to get a good price .. worth and say that is the best transport in a chaotic city as Thailand.
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And 'one of the symbols of Bangkok and...

E' uno dei simboli di Bangkok nonchè ...

E' uno dei simboli di Bangkok nonchè uno dei mezzi di trasporto più utilizzati in città. Questi trabiccoli su tre ruote, non sono altro che apicar senza porte, dotati di un comodo sedile passeggeri sul retro da dove poter avere una visuale a 360° sulle vie percorse. I costi sono solitamente abbastanza contenuti, ma ovviamente varieranno in base alla vostra destinazione e alla vostra abilità nel contrattare il prezzo. Ricordatevi che alcuni tuk tuk sono governativi (sono riconoscibili dalla presenza sul tettuccio della bandiera thailandese e di un'altra bandiera gialla) e potrebbero proporvi un prezzo inferiore agli altri in cambio di una vostra visita in certi shops convenzionati.
And 'one of the symbols of Bangkok and one of the most used means of transport in the city. These contraptions on three wheels, are nothing more than apicar without doors, with a comfortable passenger seat at the back where you can have a 360 ° view on the streets traveled. The costs are usually quite low, but of course will vary depending on your destination and your ability to negotiate the price. Remember that some tuk tuk are government (are recognizable by the presence of the Thai flag on the roof and another yellow flag) and may offer a lower price to others in exchange for your visit at certain shops affiliated.
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Traveling by tuk tuk is fun,

Viajar en tuk tuk es muy divertido,

Siempre hay que acordar con el chofer el precio antes de poner un pie dentro, lo mejor es preguntarle a gente del lugar cual es el precio en tuk tuk desde tal sitio a otro así no te cobran cualquier cosa por turista, muchos se enojan si no pagas lo que te ofrecen y se van pero en general por mi experiencia te llevan por bajos precios y es mucho más rápido que un taxi. No vayan en grupo a negociar porque siempre les van cobrar más, mejor que sólo se acerque uno a preguntar.
Always agree the price with the driver before setting foot inside, it is best to ask locals what the tuk tuk price from this place to another and do not charge anything for tourists, many get angry if You pay for what you get and go, but in general my experience take you through low prices and is much faster than a taxi. Do not go as a group to negotiate because they always charge more, rather than just approach one to ask.
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Interesting experience

Interesante experiencia

No es la manera más económica de viajar por Tailandia, pero si es muy asiática en general y por tanto una experiencia que vivir cuando se viaja a Tailandia. El viaje, es auténtico y divertido porque sientes el tráfico muy de cerca y el conductor lo suele hacer entretenido con sus luces y música.
Not the cheapest way to travel around Thailand, but it is very Asian in general and therefore a live experience when traveling to Thailand. The journey is authentic and fun because you feel very closely traffic and the driver usually does fun with lights and music.
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Use a tuk-tuk in Bangkok is not...

Usar un tuk-tuk en Bangkok no es...

Usar un tuk-tuk en Bangkok no es recomendable, un taxi es más barato (siempre que le recuerdes poner el 'meter' claro), si vas tarde entonces tanto el tuk-tuk como la moto-taxi son mejores pero pagas el precio de ir más rápido.
Use a tuk-tuk in Bangkok is not recommended, a taxi is cheaper (if you remember to put the 'meter' of course), if you go late then both the tuk-tuk and moto-taxis are the best but you pay the price go faster.
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Jajaj the tuk tuk one pass

Jajaj el tuk tuk una pasada

Lo estaréis cogiendo a todas horas, mejor que el taxi. Solo una pega es el precio, siempre están regateando para cobrar mas, acordad el precio antes. 1ºvez vale pero luego te cansa..
What you will be picking up at all hours, better than the taxi. Only one downside is the price, always haggle to charge more, Agree on the price before. 1st time it but then you get tired ..
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Typical of Thailand and I found them super dangerous

Típicos de Tailandia y yo los encontré súper peligrosos

Andan súper rápido, no son nada de baratos y si te cobran menos te llevan a lugares porque les conviene para que compres y se ganan comisión.
Typical of Thailand and I found them super dangerous, they are super fast, they are nothing cheap and if they charge less they will take you to places because it is convenient for them to buy and earn commission!
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Very sweet

Muy dulce

Nunca pagues lo que te piden (como todo en Asia). Si el precio es absurdamente bajo, debes estar preparado para que te lleven a comercios donde puedes o no comprar.
Sweet and grateful .. never pay what they ask (like everything in Asia). If the price is absurdly low you should be prepared to take you to shops where you can or do not buy
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Tuk tuk is the fastest way to get around Bangkok.

Tuk tuk es la manera más rápida de moverte por Bangkok.

No es la forma más segura pero si la más económica. Recomiendo cogerlo al menos una vez, verás la forma que tienen de conducir. Da un poco de miedo.
Tuk tuk is the fastest way to get around Bangkok, it is not the safest way but it is the most economical way. I recommend taking it at least once, you will see the way they have to drive! It"s a little scary jajaj
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Information about Tuk- Tuks