Free Asian American Pacific Islander performance series in Los Angeles
Tuesday Night Café (TNC) is a free arts and performance series in Downtown Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo that takes place on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from April to October every year. Performances begin at 7:30 p.m. It features original numbers - including musical compositions and spoken word – from Asian American Pacific Islanders. There’s also an open mic portion every Tuesday for those not included in the lineup but wish to participate. TNC is a fantastic event to attend also to witness the AAPI community in LA and the creativity of its members. Those ve can’t make it out can still watch the performances through an online live stream.
Parking options included metered spots on the street, as well as a structure in the Aiso Parking Lot on the corner of Judge Aiso Street and E 1st Street. In the lot, parking is a flat rate of $3 after 5 p.m.
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