The travel center
The travel center is in St Enoch Square, along the mall of the same name. To get there search for Argyle Street and from Glasgow railway station it's a 5 minute walk, but there's also a commuter station called St Enoch. In the travel center you can get all the information you need for your trip to Scotland, bus schedules, trains, commuting to Glasgow and Edinburgh and there are always 2 people to assist you. If you travel a lot by train, there's a youth card (18 pounds) that gives you 1/3 off trains across the country for 1 year, it's worth it because trains are very expensive. For those over 26 there's another card, but it's not regional so it's better to look for bargains in advance on the Megatrain.
If you go to London, it's better to go by bus (Megabus), you can go as cheaply as 5 euros return.
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