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122 reviews of Trastevere

A gorgeous area

The essence of Rome's charm lies in its historic ruins and architecture, two facets of the Eternal City which continue to seduce and enchant thousands of visitors.

Aside from the city's imperial highlights, a certain Etruscan flavor can also be found in the charming Trastevere neighborhood. It is said to have once been the most popular part of the city and that Julius Caesar himself lived in one of its majestic gardened homes.

Trastevere is a paradise for city-explorers. If you like the walk the streets and soak in the old-fashioned atmosphere of traditional trattorias, then this district on the banks of the Tiber is for you. There's nothing better than having a good slice of pizza al taglio on a sunny terrace before heading off to sample some refreshing gelato.

You can also peruse the art galleries and second-hand clothes stores, but the best way to experience it is to sit down at a Roman table to delight the palate while enjoying the views of the area's beautiful basilicas.
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Enchanting, bohemian, and authenic


Trans Tiberis (Trastevere) is located on the west bank of the Tiber, south of Vatican City. Walking through the narrow streets and alleyways, you are slowly immersed in a magical area that unites the past and present. Its restaurants and pubs are full of colorful and original decorations and plenty of blooming plants. Among the monuments you can visit is the lovely Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere, one of Rome's oldest (founded by Pope Callixtus I in the 3rd century). You can reach this charming neighborhood from Largo di Torre Argentina, where you take a tram and in less than five minutes you're there.

You can't miss it!!
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Specially neighborhood. Plenty of excellent restaurants


Literally translated, the word "Trastevere" comes from the Latin "trans Tiberim"


Meaning "beyond the Tevere". A beautiful district of Rome. I could literally live there. Don't miss it, if you visit Rome.

Nice place. Good place to eat and walk.


Trastevere is a district of Rome, in...

Trastevere es un barrio de Roma, en el...

Trastevere es un barrio de Roma, en el XIII distrito, que está en la ribera izquierda del río Tevere, al sur de la ciudad del Vaticano. Su nombre viene del latín y significa el lugar más allá del Tevere, ya que antes, la parte desarrollada de Roma estaba en la ribera derecha. Su emblema es una cabeza de león de oro, con fondo rojo. Al origen de Roma, el barrio era una tierra “lontana” que pertenecía a los Etruscos. Roma la ocupó para poder vigilar las dos partes del río, pero sin desarrollar su urbanización. Entonces no hay ruinas romanas en el barrio, pero edificios de estilo renacimiento, cuando el barrio se desarrolló con el impulso de los Papas del Vaticano. El barrio medieval que estaba ahí desapareció, y las familias potentes se construyeron hermosos palacios. Hoy, Trastevere es un barrio animado para salir por la noche, conserva algunas calles estrechas que ahora están llenas de bares y restaurantes con terrazas. En cuanto a las visitas, está el palacio Corsini, y la Villa Farnesina. Hay un tranvía que recorre toda la avenida principal.
Trastevere is a district of Rome, in the XIII district, which is on the left bank of the Tiber, south of Vatican City. Its name comes from Latin and means the place beyond the Tiber, as before, the developed part of Rome was on the right bank. Its emblem is a golden lion's head with red background. Originally from Rome, the neighborhood was a land "lontana" which belonged to the Etruscans. Occupied Rome to monitor both sides of the river, but without developing its urbanization. Then there's Roman ruins in the neighborhood, but revival style buildings, when the neighborhood was developed with the momentum of the Popes of the Vatican. The medieval quarter that was there disappeared, and powerful families built beautiful palaces. Today, Trastevere is a lively area for nightlife, retains some narrow streets are now full of bars and restaurants with terraces. As for visits, is the Palazzo Corsini, and the Villa Farnesina. There is a tram that runs along the strip.
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Trastevere is a district of Rome, the...

Trastevere est un quartier de Rome, le...

Trastevere est un quartier de Rome, le XIIIeme, qui se trouve sur la rive gauche du Tibre, au sud de la cité du Vatican. Son nom vient du latin et signifie l´endroit au-delà du Tibre, car à cette époque, la partie développée de Rome se trouvait sur la rive droite. Son emblème est une tête de lion en or sur fond rouge . A l´origine de Rome, le quartier était une terre « lointaine » qui appartenait aux Etrusques. Rome l´occupa pour pouvoir surveiller les deux rives du fleuve, mais sans y développer son urbanisation. Donc on ne trouve pas de ruines romaines dans le quartier, mais des batiments renaissance, quand le quartier se développa sous l´impulsion des papes du Vatican. Le quartier médiéval qui existait avec ses rues étroites fut rasé, et les familles influentes se firent construire de somptueux palais. Aujourd´hui, Trastevere est un quartier qui bouge, parfait pour sortir le soir, avec encore quelques petites rues tortueuses où se sont installé des restaurants avec terrasses, des bars sympas et des boites de nuit. Coté visites, on y trouve le Palazzo Corsini et la Villa Farnesina. Il y a un tram qui parcourt toute l´avenue centrale.
Trastevere is a district of Rome, the XIII, which is located on the left bank of the Tiber, south of Vatican City. Its name comes from Latin and means the place beyond the Tiber, because at that time, the developed part of Rome was on the right bank. Its emblem is a lion's head in gold on a red background. Originally from Rome, the area was a "distant" land that belonged to the Etruscans. Rome occupied in order to monitor both sides of the river, but not expand its urbanization. So we do not find Roman ruins in the area, but the buildings renaissance, when the area was developed under the leadership of the Popes of the Vatican. The medieval quarter that existed with its narrow streets was razed, and influential families did build lavish palaces. Today, Trastevere is an area that moves, perfect for a night out, with a few small winding streets that are installed restaurants with terraces, cool bars and nightclubs. Side visits, there is the Palazzo Corsini and the Villa Farnesina. There is a tram that runs throughout Central Avenue.
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Funny, romantic, fleeting but very inten

Divertido, romántico, fugaz pero muy inten

Mi chico cumplía añitos y decidimos irnos a Roma, los amigos y nosotros, tan sólo eran 4 días, pero volver a Roma (he estado lo menos 7 veces), callejear por el Trastevere, comerse un gelatto en Giolitti, llegar a la fontana di Trevi, pisar sus malditos adoquines, respirar su ambiente bohemio y caótico.... comerse un buen plato de pasta o una fiore di zuca, su mozzarela... toda ella es preciosa. Hemos pasado uno de los mejores cumpleaños, en nuestra ciudad fetiche y con todos nuestros amigos, que son los mejores del mundo! Gracias cariño por este superregalazo! Viajar a la ciudad eterna y contemplar todo su encanto histórico.... imaginarse cómo fue la historia... respirar su arte... acabo de regresar y ya estoy pensando en cuando volveré.
My boy met years old and decided to go to Rome, friends and we were only four days, but return to Rome (I've been at least 7 times), stroll through Trastevere, eat a gelatto in Giolitti, reach the Trevi Fountain, pump your damn cobblestones, breathing its bohemian atmosphere and chaotic .... eat a good plate of pasta or fiore di zuca, its mozzarella ... all of it is beautiful. We have spent one of the best birthday in our city fetish and all our friends who are the best in the world! Thank superregalazo affection for this! Visiting the Eternal City and its regal look .... imagine how the story was ... breathe their art ... just got back and I'm already thinking about when I will.
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The Trastevere district, close to the...

La quartier du Trastevere, à deux pas ...

La quartier du Trastevere, à deux pas du Tibre et au sud-ouest de Rome, est vraiment un quartier sympathique qui a gardé son caractère typique et original. Il est longtemps resté un quartier à part, avec son charme et sa population d'artisans. C'est désormais un quartier à la mode, un peu "bobo" mais qui réussit pourtant à garder sa particularité et même sa fierté. Les Transteverins (littéralement "ceux qui habitent au délà du Tibre) se considèrent comme différents des autres romains. Et pourtant, à première vue, il n'y a rien d'exceptionnel: Pas de monuments, des maisons basses, des rues étroites, du linge suspendu.... Et c'est justement là que repose tout le charme du quartier du Trastevere. Dans la simplicité et dans le relatif désordre, symbole d'une Rome simple et à taille humaine, une Rome colorée et pittoresque. Espérons juste que l'attrait qu'il représente actuellement ne dénature pas son coté typique par un trop plein de bar 'trendy" et de boutiques concepts et touristiques...
The Trastevere district, close to the Tiber and south-west of Rome, was a nice neighborhood that has retained its original character and typical. It has long been a neighborhood apart, with its charm and its population of artisans. It is now a trendy area, a little "sore" but yet manages to keep its uniqueness and even pride. The Transteverins (literally "those who live beyond the Tiber) see themselves as different from other Roman Yet, at first glance, there is nothing unusual:. No monuments, low houses, narrow streets, laundry hanging .... And it is precisely here that lies the charm of Trastevere. In the simplicity and the relative disorder, a simple symbol of Rome and on a human scale, a colorful and picturesque Rome. Hopefully just as the attraction it is now does not alter its typical side by a full bar too 'trendy' and concept shops and tourist ...
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The colors of Rome

Los colores de Roma

Llegamos a Roma con intención de sumergirnos en la marea de actividades culturales de la ciudad. Veníamos de ciudades pequeñas con pocas ofertas de arte y cultura y nos quisimos imbuír de la mágica experiencia que nos ofrecía la ciudad. Matisse, Chagall, fotógrafos italianos contemporáneos, Richard Avedon... Pero Roma es ya arte en sí misma. Fuera de museos y galerías es una ciudad que te atrapa entre sus colores, vestigios de cultura antigua y anhelos de ciudad moderna. Cuando recalamos en Trastévere nos cambió incluso el humor, es una especie de microespacio colorido, animado y lleno de vida alternativa. A pesar de ser agnóstica entre en la iglesia de Santa María in Trastévere, experiencia que recomiendo absolutamente. La luz que entraba desde las vidrieras creaba un ambiente de un magnetismo surreal. Sentíamos como si nos estuviésemos recargando y, el templo es absolutamente maravilloso: con frescos en techo y paredes y una estructura originalísima. Existe una Roma más allá del Coliseo...
We arrived in Rome with intention to plunge into the tide of cultural activities of the city. Venamos of small towns with few offers of art and culture and we wanted imbur the magical experience that we ofreca city. Matisse, Chagall, Italian contemporaries photographers, Richard Avedon ... But Rome is already it s art itself. Outside museums and galleries is a city that grabs you from the colors, traces of ancient culture and aspirations of modern city. When we changed tenure on Trastvere even humor, it's kind of microespacio colorful, lively and alternative lifestyle. Despite being agnstica into the church of Santa Maria in Trastvere, experience absolutely recommend. The light coming from the windows created a surreal atmosphere of a magnetism. Estuvisemos like we sat and reloading, the temple is absolutely wonderful: a frescoed ceiling and walls and a originalsima structure. There is a Roma beyond the Colosseum ...
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The most charming neighborhood in Rome

Al sur de la cuidad del Vaticano. Es...

Al sur de la cuidad del Vaticano. Es una zona donde hay magia en el ambiente, parece que te alejas de la gran ciudad en la que te encuentras. Multitud de restaurantes y terrazas, artistas callejeros, preciosas calles de piedra, un lugar súper tranquilo situado al lado del Río. Nada como conocerlo y degustar un delicioso plato italiano, recrearte con actividades de ocio espontáneas o disfrutar del ambiente. El Trastévere tiene incluido en su espacio jurisdiccional el Jardín Botánico de Roma y la colina del Janículo. Entre los principales monumentos de este barrio se encuentran: La basílica de Santa María en Trastevere, la Porta de San Pancrazio y la Porta Settimiana (ambas en la muralla Aureliana), el colegio de la Propaganda Fide, las Cárceles de Regina Coeli, la Villa Farnesina, el Palazzo Salviati, el Palazzo Corsini, el Seminario Ruteno, el Museo Torlonia y la iglesia de San Pietro in Montorio (en el sitio donde según la tradición fue crucificado el apóstol san Pedro).
The most charming neighborhood in Rome, south of the Vatican City. It is an area where there is magic in the environment, it seems that you move away from the big city in which you find yourself. Crowd of restaurants and terraces, street artists, beautiful stone streets, a super quiet place next to the River. Nothing like knowing it and tasting a delicious Italian dish, recreation with spontaneous leisure activities or enjoying the atmosphere. The Trastevere has included in its jurisdictional space the Botanical Garden of Rome and the hill of the Janiculum. Among the main monuments of this neighborhood are: The Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, Porta San Pancrazio and Porta Settimiana (both in the Aurelian wall), the school of Propaganda Fide, the Prisons of Regina Coeli, the Villa Farnesina, the Palazzo Salviati, the Palazzo Corsini, the Ruteno Seminary, the Torlonia Museum and the church of San Pietro in Montorio (on the site where according to tradition the Apostle Saint Peter was crucified).
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Our selection!

Coup de coeur!

Le quartier du Trastevere est sans conteste le plus beau de Rome. Pour les guides mais aussi pour les touristes. Il y règne une ambiance de joie, de fête, une ambiance populaire et décontracté loin du bruyant centre ville. Il n'y a pas particulièrement de monuments à aller voir, on s'y promène parce que ce quartier sent bon l'Italie, la Méditerranée et ses petits villages. On se sent forcément bien dans ces ruelles aux milles couleurs, sur ces terrasses ombragées au pied de l'église, dans ces restaurants romantiques. Un énorme coup de coeur pour la vie de quartier du Trastevere donc et si je devais revenir à Rome je n'hésiterais pas à prendre un hébergement ici. Ca fait partie de ces lieux où l'on se sent chez soi et dépaysé à la fois.
Trastevere is undoubtedly the most beautiful of Rome. For guides but also for tourists. There is an atmosphere of joy and celebration, a popular and relaxed atmosphere away from the noisy city center. There is no particular monuments to visit, we walk there because the area smells of Italy, the Mediterranean and the small villages. It feels necessarily well in these streets a thousand colors on the shaded terraces at the foot of the church in these romantic restaurants. A huge favorite for the life of Trastevere and then if I return to Rome I would not hesitate to take accommodation here. It is one of those places where you feel at home and disoriented at times.
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One of the few unknown corners of Rome

Uno de los pocos rincones desconocidos de Roma

Tras llegar al barrio de Trastevere (poco recomendado por algunas guías) y encontrar una zona muy animada y llena de tiendas(totalmente recomendable desde mi punto de vista) nos dispusimos a subir al templete de San Pietro in Montorio uno de los mejores y mas desconocidos ejemplos de arte clasicista europeo, encargado por los Reyes Católicos tras la toma de Granada, después de observarlo y de haber subido las escaleras y cuestas que hay hasta llegar decidimos dar un paseo por la zona, al menos por amortizar aún más la subida y encontramos una preciosa fuente conocida como il Fontanone con unas vistas impresionantes, y lo mejor de todo alejado del gran número de turistas que invaden Roma cada verano, un lugar con un ambiente especial perfecto para desconectar y pasar un rato agradable, uno de los mejores rincones de mi visita a Roma.
After reaching the neighborhood of Trastevere (just recommended by some guides) and find a lively area full of shops (totally recommended from my point of view) we set up the temple of San Pietro in Montorio one of the best and most unknown examples of classical European art, commissioned by the Catholic Kings after the conquest of Granada, after observing and having climbed the stairs and hills there until we decided to take a walk around the area, at least carryforwards rise further and found a beautiful fountain known as il Fontanone with stunning views, and best of all, far from the large number of tourists that invade Rome every summer, a place with a special atmosphere to unwind and have a good time, one of the best corners of my visit to Rome.
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Wonderful walk through its streets

Una maravilla pasear por sus calles

Mi primer destino cuando llego a esta maravillosa ciudad, es este barrio situado en la ribera oeste del Tíber, al sur de la Ciudad del Vaticano. Calles con adoquines y casas populares medievales pintadas en tonos rojizos, ademas de estrechos y vetustos callejones y glicinas en primavera, son las características definitorias de este lugar. La basílica de Santa María en Trastevere, es una joya arquitectónica y una de las primeras de Roma. La Villa Farnesina, el Palazzo Salviati, el Palazzo Corsini, la Porta de San Pancrazio y la Porta Settimiana, el Museo Torlonia y la iglesia de San Pietro in Montorio son los principales monumentos del Trastévere. Pero quedaros con un paseo sosegado por sus calles, un plato de pasta en una de sus pequeñas trattorías y una copa al anochecer en la plaza de Santa María, una delicia.
My first stop when I get to this wonderful city, this neighborhood is located on the west bank of the Tiber, south of Vatican City. Cobbled streets and medieval popular houses painted in shades of red, plus narrow and dilapidated alleys and wisteria in spring, are the defining characteristics of this place. The basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, is an architectural gem and one of the first of Rome. The Villa Farnesina, the Palazzo Salviati, Palazzo Corsini, the Porta San Pancrazio and the Porta Settimiana, the Torlonia Museum and the church of San Pietro in Montorio are the main monuments of Trastevere. But quiet stay with a walk through the streets, a pasta dish in one of their small trattorias and a glass in the evening in the Plaza de Santa Maria, a delight.
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Rome a more authentic and beautiful

Una Roma più autentica e bellissima

Per me il quartiere di Trastevere è stata una splendida scoperta. Ci si addentra in piccole stradine lastricate di sanpietrini, tanti ristorantini e trattorie affiancate che richiamano con i loro colori e le frasi romanesche scritte su cartelli o lavagne. Durante il Natale poi è ancora più suggestivo, con tutti gli addobbi e le luci colorate. La temperatura durante il giorno è comunque gradevole, tanto che vengono apparecchiati anche i tavoli all'aperto. Oggigiorno il quartiere è molto frequentato da giovani per la vasta scelta di locali che spaziano da quelli caratterstici ai più moderni. In genere il ritrovo avviene in Piazza Trilussa. Si arriva comodamente con il tram n. 8, che parte dalla fermata Argentina, nei pressi del Pantheon.
For me, the Trastevere district was a wonderful discovery. You enter in small streets paved with cobblestones, many restaurants and taverns spread that call with their colors and phrases romanesche written on boards or whiteboards. During the Christmas then it is even more impressive, with all the decorations and colorful lights. The temperature during the day is still agreeable, so that apparecchiati are also the outdoor tables. Today, the neighborhood is very popular with young people for the wide range of rooms that range from the most modern caratterstici. In general, the meeting takes place in Piazza Trilussa. Can easily be reached by tram no. 8, which leaves from the stop Argentina, near the Pantheon.
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