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Tomb of Cyrus the Great


3 reviews of Tomb of Cyrus the Great

The greatest city of the ancient world


The dissatisfaction of the people with the ruler Nabonidus gave Cyrus the Great a pretext for invading the lowlands. The conquest was quick, for even the priests of Marduk, the national deity of the great metropolis of Babylon, had become estranged from Nabonidus. In October 539 BCE, the greatest city of the ancient world fell to the Persians. #CyrustheGreat was also tolerant toward the Babylonians and others.

He conciliated local populations by supporting local customs and even sacrificing to local deities.

The tomb of the great Persian emperor

La tomba del grande imperatore persiano

L'edificio più famoso ed importante visitabile a Pasargadae è senza dubbio la Tomba di Ciro il Grande che morì intorno al IV secolo a.C.. Alto circa 11 metri questo semplice monumento funebre si trova in un'arida regione dell'Iran ed è circondato dal deserto. Un tempo si dice che, all'interno della tomba, il re riposasse in un sarcofago interamente d'oro. La stanza funebre reale si trova al piano rialzato insieme all'attico e ad un'altra stanza. Ciro il Grande visse 61 anni e durante il suo regno espanse il territorio persiano e spostò la capitale da Pasargadae a Persepoli rendendola una delle città più belle dell'epoca.
The building's most famous and important visit to Pasargadae is undoubtedly the tomb of Cyrus the Great, who died around the fourth century BC. High about 11 meters this simple tomb is located in an arid region of Iran, and is surrounded by desert. It was once said that, inside the tomb, the king laid to rest in a coffin full of gold. The actual funeral room is on the first floor with the attic and another room. Cyrus the Great lived 61 years and during his reign expanded the Persian territory and moved the capital from Pasargadae to Persepolis making it one of the most beautiful cities of the time.
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Grave sovereign

Sepulcro del soberano

En la llanura de Murghad, de camino a Pasargada la Capital del Imperio Persa, visitamos la Tumba de Ciro II un sencillo mausoleo de piedra. Sería durante el periodo aqueménida que se hicieron de dos formas la excavada en roca en Naqsh-e Rostam. Y esta más sencilla en bloques de piedra caliza blancas, sobre un basalto de forma cuadrangular, escalonado de unos tres metros de largo en tonos más oscuros, sobria, sencilla. En la que destaca solo un bajorrelieve que representa a un genio alado. Sin ornamentación, si tiene una estela alada un ángel tallado en piedra.
In the plain of Murghad, Pasargadae way to the capital of the Persian Empire, visited the Tomb of Cyrus II a simple stone mausoleum. Aquemnida will be during the period were made in two ways excavated in rock in Naqsh-e Rustam. And this more simple in white limestone blocks, on a basalt quadrangular, staggered about three meters long in ms dark, sober, simple tones. Which highlights only a bas-relief depicting a winged genius. No ornamentation, if you have a winged wake an angel carved in stone.
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