Todos Santos Cuchumatán
Todos Santos is a town in Huehuetenango, near the border with Mexico, which has the distinction of being cute yet very traditional. Everyone is dressed alike. The Mayan costumes were not invented by them. They were slaves of the Spanish masters. The Spanish wanted to recognize their slaves, and ordered a tailor to make them all the same dress. Now, people are still dressing alike in the villages, but not quite. There are several tailors. Everything is done by hand, and it is impossible to make the exact same suit twice. The distinction of Todos Santos is the red pants. All men wear it, it is very nice, and once a year, on 1 November, a popular annual festival, they buy new pants to last all year! To get to Todos Santos, you can walk with or without guidance from Nebaj by Cuchumatanes, or take a bus from Huehuetenango.