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The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda

4 reviews of The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda

The most important pagoda on Lake Inle

Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda is the most important pagoda to be found on Inle Lake, and you have to take a boat in order to get there by boat. Inside there are five buddha, which have lost their form. Only men have the right to touch the statues and women can only look at the Images which are of different sizes, ranging from about nine to eighteen inches in height. Because they are solid gold, the images are very heavy. It is widely believed that the Buddha images were taken to Lake Inle by King Alaungsithu.


Monastery of jumping cats.

Monasterio de los gatos saltarines .

Con estilo arquitectónico birmano , el símbolo mas importante religioso en las aldeas que rodean el lago Inle. Un lugar al que como no , llegas en barca . De lejos luce en todo su esplendor , dentro en la capilla central las cinco estatuas de Buda , están cubiertas de hojas de oro . El " Budismo " con sus dos escuelas , siendo la mas relevante la escuela de los ancianos o Theravada , la original , la que reconoce la existencia de un solo Buda . Tambien el Mahayana o vehículo , en esta corriente existen varios Budas, la que lidera el Dalai Lama . Basan su tradición en el llamado " Canon Pali " la gran recopilacion que recojen los discursos que Buda dio a lo largo de su vida , después de alcanzar la iluminacion o Nirvana . Es la corriente que se practica también , en Myanmar y casi en toda Asia . Se calculan que existen 600.000 monjes y 75.000 monjas , repartidos en sus monasterios y pagodas . Sera en este oscuro monasterio lleno de gatos, al norte del lago Inle . Donde los monjes entrenan a gatos saltarines y nos muestren , una exhibicion de saltos gatunos , a través de aros . Seguimos descubriendo parte del paraíso escondido , que es " Myanmar - Birmania "
With Burmese architectural style, the most important religious symbol in villages around Lake Inle. A place you as you arrive by boat. By far shines in all its splendor in the central chapel within the five Buddha statues are covered with gold leaf. The "Buddhism" with its two schools, being the most important school of nursing or Theravada, the original, which recognizes the existence of a single Buddha. Also the Mahayana or vehicle, in this stream there are several Buddhas, which leads the Dalai Lama. They base their tradition in the so-called "Pali Canon" great compilation used for data gathering Buddha gave speeches throughout his life, after reaching enlightenment or Nirvana. It is the current that is practiced also in Myanmar and almost throughout Asia. They estimate that there are 600,000 monks and 75,000 nuns, spread in their monasteries and pagodas. Sera in this dark monastery full of cats, north of Lake Inle. Where monks train jumping jacks and show us, an exhibition of feline jumps through hoops. We continue to discover hidden paradise part of which is "Myanmar - Burma"
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Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda

Pagode Phaung Daw Oo

Située en plein cœur du lac Inle, la pagode Phaung Daw U en est l’un des monuments emblématiques, complètement incontournable, lors d’une journée de découverte du lac en bateau. La pagode aurait en effet été édifiée il y a plusieurs siècles au beau milieu du lac, sur pilotis. Elle est devenue au fil du temps l’une des pagodes les plus vénérées de la région, littéralement prise d’assaut par les touristes et par les locaux. Arrivée rigolote aux airs de Venise exotique, avec ces dizaines de pirogues alignées dans une logique un peu exotique, aux abords de la pagode. Statues de Bouddhas recouvertes par les fidèles (hommes uniquement, femmes interdites) quotidiennement, devenues complètement difformes ! Ne pas manquer, sur le côté, la barge royale qui promène chaque année les quatre vénérées statues de Bouddha sur le lac, lors de la procession ancestrale.
Located in the heart of Inle Lake, the Phaung Daw U Pagoda is one of the emblematic monuments, completely unavoidable when Journe dune discovery of the lake by boat. The pagoda would indeed t difie several centuries ago in the middle of the lake on stilts. She became over time of the moon vnres pagodas of the region, taken literally dassaut by tourists and by locals. Funny happens to the tunes of Venice exotic, with tens of canoes lined up in a somewhat exotic logic, just outside the pagoda. Buddha statues covered by the faithful (men only, banned women) daily, become completely deformed! Do not miss to the side, the royal barge promne vnres each year the four Buddha statues on the lake, in the ancestral procession.
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Phaungdaw Oo Paya Pagoda on Inle Lake

Pagoda di Phaungdaw Oo Paya sul Lago Inle

Non c'è visita al Lago Inle, nello stato dello Shan in Birmania centrale, che non includa un giro in barca. Durante questa gita oltre ai giardini galleggianti si può includere una visita ai Templi buddhisti che operano su questo lago. La Phaungdaw Oo Paya è il più grande e il più attivo di questi templi e si trova al centro del lago. Molte celebrazioni vengono eseguite qui durante tutto il corso dell'anno ed la maestosa struttura sembra galleggiare sull'acqua. Se il tempo è buono se ne può cogliere il riflesso dalla distanza.
There is no visit to Inle Lake, Shan state in central Burma, that does not include a boat ride. During this trip in addition to the floating gardens can include a visit to the Buddhist Temples that operate on this lake. The Phaungdaw Oo Paya is the largest and most active of these temples and is located in the center of the lake. Many celebrations are performed here throughout the year and the majestic structure seems to float on the water. If the weather is good if you can catch the reflection of the distance.
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Information about The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda