Amazing party!
Songkran, the Thai New Year, is a festival that takes place throughout the country but the best celebration is from the 13th to 15th of April in Chiang Mai. The festival in general revolves around water, which actually has it's roots in religion. During the festival, Thai people go to temples to bathe Buddha figures with water in a sort of purification ritual. Then, they take the water used to wash the sacred Buddhas and use it as a sort of holy water to anoint the shrines and amulets in their homes. They also splash the water around, especially on the elderly as a sign of respect or groups of guys splash the girls as kind of lighthearted flirting.In the mornings during the festival, just about everyone gets up early to give alms to the local monks, and then the temple Buddha's are paraded through the streets and everyone splashed water on them.
In addition to the religious roots of the festival, Songkran is also a really amazing party! People fill the streets, splashing each other from the beds of pick ups trucks in a riotous explosion of of people and color. It really makes you feel like a kid again, and that friendly playfulness is something I notice a lot in Thai culture. If you want to get a better idea, check out the photo's I've uploaded as well.