An amazing atmosphere
As for gastronomy, Sundays are sacred to Londoners: that day they eat the traditional 'Sunday Roast ': a hearty dish of meat, accompanied by vegetables and chips. The question is where to eat. If you've spent the morning browsing the flea markets and Boadway Bricklane Market, the required site is The Dove. The Dove is on Broadway Market, in an old dark building. Inside, the décor borders on kitsch, light is scarce, and the tables have candles lit even at noon. The place is always packed and the atmosphere is amazing. Young people, locals and students from all over the world are trying to settle into a table, eating, drinking good beer and they stay there a while.
Fortunately the site is large with several rooms on slopes. The Dove is not expensive, and has an impressive selection of beers.
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