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The Castle of Lindoso

2 reviews of The Castle of Lindoso

Castle used to integrate the defense poliicy of the Portuguese king


Lindoso Castle was constructed during the reign of D. Alfonso III, around the year 1250, to integrate its defense policy in the border areas, which were extended in the reign of King Dionysius. This castle played a sinificant role during the War of Restoration of Independence of Portugal, and it went through many periods of modernization. Since the late 19th century it lost its military importance, was abandoned and in decline. Since the 70s it was classified as a national monument and went through restoration and now is used for cultural activities promoted by the municipality, through the National Park of Peneda-Gerês and the Museu Militar do Porto.

Along Lindoso Castle is another monumental with 50 corn granaries of the 18th and 18th centuries, showing a single set in the ara of great architectural beauty, arranged in a esplanade in the sun, as "warriors forming in defense of his castle ". Made completely of stone, each granary is based on many pillars with stone lattice and topped by pillars, ceilings and stone crosses of the same material. From the whole castle one can see the mountains of Peneda Geres PN and PN Límia Baixa, which together form a swamp one of the most beautiful views.
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Lindoso, singular and surprising

Lindoso, singular y sorprendente

Lindoso es una población del concelho de Ponte da Barca que en el corazón del Alto-Minho, un territorio de espectacular belleza natural, integrado en el Parque Nacional da Peneda Geres. Su entorno es de paisaje variado, condicionado en sus zonas más bajas por el curso del río Lima, aquí represado formando el embalse de Lindoso. Lindoso es famoso por el magnífico conjunto de espigueiros que conserva. Estas pequeñas construcciones de piedra para el almacenamiento de productos agrícolas, se integran armoniosas en el paisaje, alcanzado el número de 64, siendo una de las concentraciones de espigueiros más notables de Portugal. Los espigueiros se encuentran agrupados en una de las laderas de la colina sobre la que se asienta el castillo, formando una eira, espacio colectivo para los trabajos de la agricultura. Los espigueiros de Lindoso fueron construidos en los siglos XVIII, XIX y XX como elementos indispensables para el máximo rendimiento de la cultura del maíz gracias a sus excelentes condiciones para la conservación del producto de la intemperie y de los animales. Sus paredes, con vanos verticales para la ventilación, y las cubiertas están realizados en piedra trabajada, contando algunos con relieves decorativos, y todos ellos coronados por una cruz de carácter apotropaico. El castillo de Lindoso fue una pieza importante en la política de defensa de la frontera Norte de Portugal, esta fortaleza sufrió una adaptación en la época moderna con el añadido de baluartes, aunque no adulteró mucho la construcción medieval. Con un recinto pequeño regular formando un rectángulo de esquinas redondeadas, este castillo tienen su puerta principal orientada hacia la Villa, flanqueada por una torre y un saliente del muro. La torre del homenaje es cuadrangular de un solo piso, tiene entrada independiente al nivel de los adarves y se encuentra sobre la parte interna de la cortina opuesta a la entrada principal.
Lindoso is a village in the municipality of Ponte da Barca in the heart of Alto-Minho, an area of ​​spectacular natural beauty, built-in da Peneda Geres National Park. Your environment is varied landscape, conditioned on its lower course of the river Lima areas, forming here dammed reservoir Lindoso. Lindoso is famous for the magnificent set of espigueiros retaining. These small stone buildings for the storage of agricultural products, are integrated into the landscape harmonious, reached number 64, one of the most significant concentrations of Portugal espigueiros. The espigueiros are grouped in one of the slopes of the hill on which the castle sits, forming a eira, shared work space for agriculture. The espigueiros Lindoso were built in the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries as indispensable to maximize corn culture with its excellent conditions for the preservation of the product from the elements and animals. Its walls, with vertical openings for ventilation, and covers are made of worked stone, counting some with decorative reliefs, and all crowned by a cross apotropaic. Lindoso Castle was an important defense policy of the northern border of Portugal piece, this fortress underwent an adaptation in modern times with the addition of bastions, although much adultery medieval construction. With regular small enclosure forming a rectangle with rounded corners, this castle has its front door facing the Villa, flanked by a tower and a projection wall. The keep is square one floor, has a separate entrance to the level of the battlements and is on the inside of the curtain opposite the main entrance.
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Information about The Castle of Lindoso