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Tempel Synagogue

+48 12 429 57 35
+48 12 429 57 35
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2 reviews of Tempel Synagogue

Tempel Synagogue, Kraków

Built in Renaissance Arabic style, it broke ground in 1860 and was completed 2 years later (1862). Unfortunately, and as expected, the synagogue was destroyed during World War II by Nazi Germany, who used the building for ammunitions storage. After the war, it was used again for prayers, but was seriously damaged. A large flow of financial contributions from private donors worldwide allowed the synagogue to undergo extensive renovation (1995-2000) and as a result it's still running today.


Tempel Synagogue

Sinagoga Tempel

Combinando un elegante estilo neorenacentista con atractivos elementos moriscos, la Sinagoga Tempel fue construida en el siglo XIX por la Sociedad de Judíos Progresistas para convertirse en la sinagoga más joven de Cracovia. Los judíos progresistas de la Sinagoga Tempel realizaron ciertos cambios en la liturgia que no fueron del agrado de los judíos ortodoxos, que transmitieron su inconformidad con numerosas protestas. La sinagoga fue ampliada en diversas ocasiones y durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial sufrió importantes daños, pero después de esto fue completamente renovada para convertirse en el imponente templo que es en la actualidad. El interior de la Sinagoga Tempel sorprende a sus visitantes con una explosión de colores y hermosos diseños por lo general poco comunes en los templos. Actualmente se celebran escasas ceremonias religiosas en la sinagoga, aunque es el lugar elegido para la celebración de numerosos conciertos. Horario de visita Todos los días de 10:00 a 18:00 horas. Precio Adulto: 5PLN. Estudiantes: 2PLN
Blending elegant neo-Renaissance style with attractive Moorish elements, the Tempel Synagogue was built in the nineteenth century by the Society of Progressive Jews to become the youngest synagogue in Krakow. Progressive Jews Tempel Synagogue made certain changes in the liturgy which were not to the liking of the orthodox Jews, who conveyed their dissatisfaction with numerous protests. The synagogue was enlarged several times during World War II suffered major damage, but after that was completely renovated to become the imposing temple that is today. Inside the Tempel Synagogue surprises its visitors with a beautiful explosion of colors and designs usually rare in temples. Few religious ceremonies in the synagogue were currently held, although it is the venue for the celebration of numerous concerts. Visiting Hours Every day from 10:00 to 18:00. Adult Price: 5PLN. Students: 2PLN
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Information about Tempel Synagogue