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9:00 - 17:00
Opening Hours
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
64 7 348 9047
64 7 348 9047
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2 reviews of Te Puia

The complex of Te Puia is located not...

Il complesso di Te Puia sorge non...

Il complesso di Te Puia sorge non lontano dalla cittadina di Rotorua, nel centro dell'isola del nord della Nuova Zelanda. Non distante dall'ingresso (40NZ$ per gli adulti, orario dalle 8 alle 18 in estate, fino alle 17 in inverno) è presente una ricostruzione di parte di un villaggio maori qui presente in passato e dove si può unirsi ad un tour guidato dell'area ogni ora. Più avanti è presente l'area geotermale con piscine di fango ribollente, sorgenti calde ed il Pohutu geyser, il quale erutta circa due volte all'ora. Particolarmente suggestiva anche la Ngararatuatara cooking pool, una sorgente calda perfettamente circolare dove le donne maori usavano immergere il cibo per cucinarlo. Al termine del percorso si incontrano due edifici in stile che ospitano la scuola nazionale di intaglio e di intreccio, due tradizionali mestieri della cultura maori.
The complex of Te Puia is located not far from the town of Rotorua in the center of the North Island of New Zealand. Not far from the entrance ($ 40NZ for adults, from 8 to 18 hours in summer, to 17 in winter) is a reconstruction of part of a Maori village here this in the past and where you can join a guided tour of 'area per hour. Later there is the geothermal area with boiling mud pools, hot springs and geysers Pohutu, which erupts about twice an hour. Particularly striking even cooking Ngararatuatara pool, a hot spring perfectly round where Maori women used to immerse the food to cook them. At the end of the trail you will encounter two style buildings that house the national school of carving and weaving, two traditional crafts of the Maori culture.
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At the entrance to Rotorua, the center...

A l'entrée de Rotorua, le centre de Te ...

A l'entrée de Rotorua, le centre de Te Puia est un endroit intéressant et bien réalisé qui permet d'apprendre à connaître à la fois la culture Maori et de voir des manifestations de l'activité volcanique très présente dans la région. Il y a plusieurs Geysers, une marre de boue bouillante et vous pourrez même acheter du maïs cuit dans de l'eau bouillant naturellement. Côté Maoris, un village est reconstitué et plusieurs fois par jour vous pouvez assister au célèbre Haka, ainsi qu'à un concert de chants traditionnels dans le Marae (la maison de la tribu). Par ailleurs, une école de sculpture Maori est rattaché au reste du complexe et vous pouvez y voir et discuter avec des apprentis-sculpteurs. Cerise sur le gâteau, il y a aussi une "maison des Kiwis", le rythme jour-nuit y est inversé artificiellement afin de vous permettre d'observer l'oiseau nocturne, symbole de la Nouvelle-Zélande.
At the entrance to Rotorua, the center of Te Puia is an interesting and well done place that allows getting to know both the Maori culture and see demonstrations of volcanic activity in this very region. There are several Geysers, a pool of boiling mud and you can even buy corn cooked in boiling water naturally. Maori side, a village is reconstructed several times a day and you can watch the famous Haka, as well as a concert of traditional songs in the Marae (the home of the tribe). In addition, a Maori carving school is attached to the rest of the complex and you can see and chat with apprentice sculptors. The icing on the cake, there is also a "house of Kiwis", the day-night rhythm is reversed artificially to allow you to observe the nocturnal bird, the symbol of New Zealand.
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Information about Te Puia