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9 reviews of Sunday Night Market

A wonderful craft market

If you're in Chiang Mai on a Sunday, you'll have the opportunity to see this wonderful craft market, with bracelets, earrings, household items, clothing, paintings, food, etc. It takes place every Sunday between 5 and 11. This is a cultural event, in which many of the vendors sell products they've made themselves. Unlike the night market, it's not aimed just at tourists, and most of the attendees are locals. There is music, puppet performances, etc. Don't miss it if you're in Chiang Mai on a Sunday!


Loved the handcrafts and the street food!


Main downtown streets are closed for people to stroll around.

The most beautiful market of Chiang Mai

Il mercato più bello di Chiang Mai

In assoluto il miglior mercato della città, si svolge la Domenica dalle 16/17 in poi, fino a tarda notte. La zona è la parte sud ovest del quadrilatero del centro storico dalla via principale Th Ratchadamnoen e tutte le strade intorno... in pratica in pieno centro. Se devi fare degli acquisti falli qui, scorda il night market iper-turistico e pieno di fregature e tratta gli oggetti qui. La qualità è sicuramente più alta e se anche trovi oggetti uguali costeranno sicuramente di meno. E' sempre molto affollato ma il bello è che, oltre ai turisti, ci sono famiglie intere di locali che adorano questo mercato e lo usano come ritrovo settimanale. Ottimi anche i cibi serviti dalle varie bancarelle... e se vuoi sperimentare qui trovi anche diverse tipologie di insetti da mangiare!
The absolute best market in the city, takes place on Sunday from 16/17 onwards, until late at night. The area is the southwest part of the quadrangle of the old town from the main street Th Ratchadamnoen and all the roads around ... in practice in the center. If you need to make purchases fouls here, forget the night market hyper-tourism and is full of disappointments and objects here. The quality is definitely higher and even if objects are equal certainly will cost less. It 's always very busy but the beauty is that, in addition to tourists, there are whole families of local worship this market and use it as a weekly meeting. There are also excellent food served by the various stalls ... and if you want to experience here are also different types of insects to eat!
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Souvenirs and what you can imagine

Souvenirs y lo que te puedas imaginar

Lo cierto es que no deja de ser uno de estos mercados en los que, una vez avanzas 10 puestos, todo vuelve a ser lo mismo. Sin embargo, tiene su encanto. Está repleto de gente y, si te apetece, puedes cenar también y comprarte un poco de sushi barato (y bueno). Si estás pensando en llevar souvenirs, puede ser un buen lugar donde llevarte algún detallito, eso sí, ¡no te olvides de regatear!
The truth is that it is still one of these markets in which, once you advance 10 positions, everything is the same again. However, it has its charm. It is full of people and, if you feel like it, you can also dine and buy some cheap (and good) sushi. If you are thinking of taking souvenirs, it can be a good place to take a little detail, yes, do not forget to haggle!
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The Sunday market in Chiang Mai

Il mercato della domenica di Chiang Mai

Il mercato domenicale di Chiang Mai è uno dei mercati più grandi del nord della Thailandia. Questo mercato, che oggi è principalmente un'attrazione turistica, è attivo da cenitnaia di anni, ed era un punto di sosta per i commercianti cinesi che sulla via della seta viaggiavano verso la Birmania e il medio oriente. Oggi il mercato offre souvenir, prodotti di artigianato e moltissimo street food con prezzi a partire da 10 bath ed è situato nelle due principali strade che si incrociano all'interno delle mura della città.
The Sunday market in Chiang Mai is one of the largest markets in the north of Thailand. This market, which is now a tourist attraction Mainly, cenitnaia has been active for years, and was a stopping point for the Chinese traders who traveled on the Silk Road to Burma and the Middle East. Today the market offers souvenirs, handicrafts and a lot of street food with prices starting at 10 baht and is located in the two main roads that intersect within the walls of the city.
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Every Sunday, the streets of downtown...

Tous les dimanches, cette rue du...

Tous les dimanches, cette rue du centre-ville de Chiang Mai se transforme en un gigantesque marché! Artisanat, vêtements, nourriture, art... On y trouve à peu près tout! Prisé des Thaïs comme des touristes, ce marché est l'occasion d'acquérir de petits souvenirs pour remplir vos valises. De plus vous ferez une plongée au cœur de la culture Thaïe: Odeurs, groupes de musique et vendeurs vous feront perdre la notion du temps, mais attention, à minuit, tout aura disparu...!
Every Sunday, the streets of downtown Chiang Mai turns into a huge market! Crafts, clothing, food, art ... There is almost everything! Popular with Thais and tourists alike, this market is the opportunity to acquire small souvenirs to carry your bags. In addition you will dive in the heart of Thai culture Smells, bands and vendors you will lose track of time, but watch at midnight, all will be gone ...!
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Significantly cheaper than the night...

Bastante más barato que el night bazar ...

Bastante más barato que el night bazar pero con muchísima más afluencia de gente. Se puede cenar por muy poco dinero y la comida es variada y muy buena. Masajes, manicura, bolsos de piel y artesanos e incluso pulseras de mil formas para todo tipo de gustos. Merece la pena verlo eso si, como siempre a partir de las 8 de la tarde..
Significantly cheaper than the night bazaar but with a lot more influx of people. You can dine for very little money and the food is varied and very good. Massages, manicures, leather bags and bracelets artisans and even a thousand ways to please all tastes. Must be seen that if, as usual starting at 8pm ..
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an impressive market with lots of color, and typical food of all kinds that you have to try

Un mercadillo impresionante con muchísimo color.

Comida típica de todo tipo que hay que probar. No solo hay bichos para comer, hay mucho turista, y hay que tener cuidado con los bolsos, pero merece la pena verlo.
an impressive market with lots of color, and typical food of all kinds that you have to try! not only there are bugs to eat .. there is a lot of tourists, and you have to be careful with the bags. but it"s worth seeing
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Very cool.

Muito legal.

Muito legal.
Very cool
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