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Église Saint-Paul Saint-Louis

01 42 72 30 32
01 42 72 30 32
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7 reviews of Église Saint-Paul Saint-Louis

Magnificent testimony

Built in the seventeenth century, the church of St. Paul is located on the Rue Saint Antoine, in the fourth arrondissement of Paris. Its dark facade is a magnificent testimony to the architecture of reform. The interior is more conventional, the chapels are still decorated with paintings of the time. Highly recommended

Church of Saint Paul-Saint Louis

This church was recently restored and the facade now looks flawless. Its construction dates back to 1580 with the first chapel dedicated to St. Louis. On the second Sunday of the month at 15:00, they organize guided tours.


Baroque opera

Opera barocca

Collocata nel quartiere Marais su una delle vie principali, questa chiesa barocca è stata inaugurata a maggio 1641, con una messa che fu officiata dal cardinale Richielieu. Io l’ho visitata ad agosto 2012, e la sua facciata barocca era in ristrutturazione. L’interno a navata unica con una cupola all’incrocio del transetto. La visita all’interno di solito avviene perché attirati da opere importanti che vi si trovano al suo interno, come il dipinto dal nome ‘Cristo nel giardino degli ulivi’ di Eugene Delacroix. Da notare anche le due acquasantiere che sono state donate da Victor Hugo.
Located in the Marais district on a main road, this baroque church was inaugurated in May 1641, with a Mass which was celebrated by Cardinal Richielieu. I've visited in August 2012, and its baroque facade was under renovation. The interior has a single nave with a dome at the intersection of the transept. The visit inside is most likely because attracted by important works that are found in the interior, such as the painting by the name 'Christ in the Garden' by Eugene Delacroix. Also note the two fonts that have been donated by Victor Hugo.
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This church is located in the Marais....

Cette église se situe dans le Marais. ...

Cette église se situe dans le Marais. Elle a été construite au 17 ème siècle et se situe sur la rue Saint Antoine. Côté architecture cette église est un mélange italien et français ce qui fait qu'on la compare souvent à l'église du Gesù à Rome. Voici un point de l'histoire de l'église Saint Paul : Le 2 septembre 1792,5 prêtres ont été tués lors des massacres de septembre. Une plaque commémorative est d'ailleurs érigée en leur mémoire. Une des plus belles églises de Paris à voir.
This church is located in the Marais. It was built in the 17th century and is located on the Rue Saint Antoine. Architecturally the church is an Italian and French mixture so that you often compared to the Church of the Gesu in Rome. Here is a point in the history of the Church of Saint Paul: September 2, 1792.5 priests were killed during the massacres of September. A commemorative plaque was also erected in their memory. One of the most beautiful churches in Paris to see.
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The church of Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis is...

L'église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis est une ...

L'église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis est une église jésuite. Elle se trouve dans l’un des quartiers historiques de Paris, Marais situé sur la rive droite de la Seine. Elle a été construite au 17ème siècle dans le style classique sur ordre de Louis XIII. Il est à noter que le plan de l’église est quasi identique à celui de l’église du Gésu. L’église impressionne par son architecture exceptionnelle, nombreux touristes viennent ici pour admirer sa beauté.
The church of Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis is a Jesuit church. It is located in one of the historic districts of Paris, the Marais on the right bank of the Seine. It was built in the 17th century in the classical style by order of Louis XIII. It should be noted that the plan of the church is almost identical to that of the Church of the Gesu. The church impresses with its unique architecture, many tourists come here to admire its beauty.
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In the Marais

En el barrio del Marais

Destaca esta Iglesia barroca. Destaca en la iglesia un estatua de mármol de la Virgen Dolorosa del artista renacentista Germain Pilon
This Baroque church stands out. Stresses in church one marble statue of the Virgin Dolorosa Renaissance artist Germain Pilon
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Built in the XVII century, the church...

Construite au XVIIeme siècle, l'église s...

Construite au XVIIeme siècle, l'église saint Paul se trouve rue Saint Antoine, dans le quatrième arrondissement de Paris. Sa facade sombre, magnifique témoin de l'architecture de la contre réforme française, justifie à elle seule le fait qu'on vienne la visiter. L'intérieur est plus classique, les chapelles étant tout de même ornées de tableaux d'époque. Je vous conseille de visiter cet endroit.
Built in the XVII century, the church of St. Paul is located rue Saint Antoine, in the fourth arrondissement of Paris. Its dark façade, magnificent witness to the architecture of the French against reform alone justifies the fact that we come to visit. The interior is classic, the chapels are still with period paintings. I suggest you visit this place.
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Information about Église Saint-Paul Saint-Louis