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9 reviews of SOLAR CLOCK


Intiwatana which means "place where the sun is tied", is situated on top of the "Sacred Hill", which you can reach after climbing up 78 steps. The Intiwatana is thought to have had two functions: time measurement(solstice and equinox) using the effects of light and shade and also as a stone altar. In its center stands a monolith which is carved and polished in several planes, which ends in a square prism of 0.36 m. high, oriented northwest - southeast. The vertices are directed towards the four cardinal points.


This clock is incredibly impressive.


From the shape and volume to the majestic and amazing technology from back in the day.

The most important magnrtico- mystical center of the world

El más importante centro magnértico- místico del mundo

Comentario aparte merece este rincón del Machu Picchu. El Intihuatana corresponde a uno de los vórtices que se encuentran en algunos sagrados lugares del mundo. No está demostrado científicamente pero viene a ser como un chakra, así como el chakra son los centros vitales del cuerpo, los vórtices vienen a ser como los centros magnéticos-espirituales de la tierra, nada que ver con los centros físicos. Los creyentes o adentrados en estos temas les llaman las Sendas del Dragón, líneas de energía, son líneas telúricas espirituales. La del Machu Picchu es además un observatorio astronómico formado por un prisma que indica con precisión los solsticios y los equinoccios y sus cuatro vértices coinciden con los cuatro puntos cardinales. Anteriormente se localizaba el mayor centro magnético de la tierra en el Tibet en el Himalaya, actualmente se considera el Intihuatana como el más importante de los existentes, los hay en Escocia, en Rapa Nui, al parecer hay siete en todo el mundo. Pude ver a grupos de iniciados meditar, tocar la piedra y entrar en trance. No deja de impresionar. Según nos comentaron algunos grupos vienen a este lugar anualmente. www.rodamons.net
Comment deserves this corner of Machu Picchu. Intihuatana corresponds to one of the vortices which are in some sacred places in the world. It is scientifically proven but is like a chakra and the chakra are the vital centers of the body, vortices are like magnetic-spiritual centers of the earth, nothing to do with the physical centers. Believers or deep in these issues call them Dragon Paths, power lines are spiritual ley lines. The addition of Machu Picchu is an astronomical observatory consisting of a prism accurately indicating the solstices and equinoxes and four vertices coincide with the four cardinal points. Previously was located higher magnetic center of the earth in Tibet in the Himalayas, it is now considered as the most important intihuatana existing ones, there are in Scotland, in Rapa Nui, apparently there are seven worldwide. I could see groups started meditating, playing rock and trance. Do not fail to impress. As we noted some groups come to this place every year. www.rodamons.net
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One of the biggest mysteries of the Inca culture

Um dos maiores mistérios da cultura Inca

centenas de turistas diariamente sentir a energia deste monólito enigmático. Intihuatana Quechua palavra que significa "O laço que amarra o sol ou o sol " , está localizado dentro da cidadela de Machu Picchu, na parte mais alta em uma pequena praça, ao lado do Templo das Três Janelas , este obelisco concentrou todo o poder que emana do Machu Picchu.
hundreds of tourists daily feel the energy of this monlito enigmatic. Intihuatana Quechua word meaning "Lao tying sun or the sun", are located within the citadel of Machu Picchu, at the highest point in a small the square, next to the Temple of the Three Windows, this obelisk concentrated all the power emanates from Machu Picchu.
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The Intiwatana (solar calendar)

L'intiwatana (le calendrier solaire)

L'avantage d'être placé aussi haut - en plus d'être tranquilles face à de potentiels ennemis - est d'être au plus près du soleil et donc d'avoir la meilleure lecture possible de l'heure. Les incas l'ont vite compris, voire même ont construit leur site à dessein puisqu'un très beau intiwatana (calendrier) est visible tout en haut du Machu Picchu, à l'ouest de la place principale.
The advantage of being set as high - in addition to being quiet against potential enemies - is to be closest to the sun and therefore the best possible playing time. The Incas have quickly understood, and even built their site on purpose since beautiful intiwatana (calendar) is visible at the top of Machu Picchu, to the west of the main square.
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The Intihuatana, which literally means...

L'Intihuatana, che letteralmente significa "il posto dove si cattura il Sole", è la più grande struttura della città.

Questa scultura si è dimostrata essere un precisissimo indicatore che segnala i due giorni dell'anno che corrispondono agli equinozi, ovvero gli unici giorni dell'anno in cui il giorno ha la stessa durata della notte; a mezzogiorno del 21 marzo e del 21 settembre, durante gli equinozi d'autunno e di primavera, il Sole si trova esattamente sopra il pilastro posto in cima alla pietra, ed in quel preciso momento da quest'ultima non viene proiettata nessuna ombra.
The Intihuatana, which literally means "the place where the sun is captured", is the largest structure in the city. This sculpture has proved to be a very accurate indicator that reports the two days of the year that correspond to equinoxes, that is, the only days of the year in which the day is the same as the night; at noon on March 21 and September 21, during the autumn and spring equinoxes, the Sun is located just above the pillar at the top of the stone, and at that precise moment no shadow is projected.
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The intihuatana is found in one of the...

Una de las explanadas del Templo de las Tres Ventanas

El Intihuatana se encuentra en una de las explanadas del Templo de las Tres Ventanas en Machu Picchu.
The intihuatana is found in one of the explandas of the Temple of the Three Windows in Machu Picchu.
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Trip with a friend and did not disappoint anything impressive

Nada impresionante.

Viaje con una amiga y no nos defraudó.
Trip with a friend and did not disappoint anything impressive
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