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Sofia Synagogue

7 reviews of Sofia Synagogue

Sofia Synagogue

The Sofia Synagogue is the largest Sephardic synagogue in Europe, and is a very beautiful building. Be careful! the synagogue can be visited every day except the day of the Sabbath, which is Saturday, this is when the city's Jewish community gather to pray. There is a memorial stone in the synagogue wall which records the blessing of the building on September 9, 1909, in the presence of members of Tsar's family. The style of the synagogue is a style called "Bulgarian National Romantic". The project was the work of the Austrian architect Grünanger. The temple consists of a central dome and a rectangular floor plan.

The prayer hall is octogonal, separated by four pillars and arches from a central corridor. The altar is of white marble with a very nice parapet. Up to 1170 people can go pray there. Covered by an octagonal dome with a lantern, the dome is 20 meters in diameter and has a total height of 31 meters. The floor of the synagogue is covered with a multicolored mosaic. There is a small museum at the rear telling the culture and history of the Jewish community in Sofia.
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One of the largest synagogues in Europe

Una de las sinagogas más grandes de Europa.

La Sinagoga de Sofia es una maravilla arquitectónica – es una de las sinagogas más grandes de toda Europa y recuerda mucho a las famosas sinagogas neoárabes de Praga y Budapest. Se ubica justo en el centro de Sofia al lado del Mercado Central y la Mezquita Banya Bashi, y aunque parece cerrado, solo tienes que llamar el timbre en la puerta y te dejarán entrar. La parte interior es increíble – una gran cúpula en verde, bóvedas pintas de azul con estrellas doradas y mosaicos traídos de Venecia, todo coronado con un candelabro dorado que pesa más que una tonelada. Toda la sala central está rodeada por arcos moriscos pintados en los colores llamativos del art nouveau que crea un ambiente único entre el sagrado y el caprichoso. La verdad es que es un monumento realmente espectacular y uno de los más interesantes que puedes encontrar en Sofia. Se abre a las 9 de la mañana de lunes a viernes y te recomiendo ir a primera hora para disfrutar de la sinagoga sin aglomeraciones.
Sofia Synagogue is an architectural wonder - is one of the largest synagogues in Europe and reminiscent of the famous Neo-Arabic synagogues in Prague and Budapest. It is located right in the center of Sofia next to the Central Market and the Banya Bashi Mosque, and although it seems closed, you only have to call the bell at the door and let you in. The interior is amazing - a large dome in green, blue paint vaults with gold stars and mosaics brought from Venice, all topped with a golden chandelier that weighs more than a ton. All central room is surrounded by Moorish arches painted in the bright colors of art nouveau that creates a unique atmosphere between the sacred and whimsical. The truth is that it is a truly spectacular monument and one of the most interesting you can find in Sofia. It opens at 9 am Monday through Friday and I recommend going early to enjoy the synagogue without crowds.
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The Central Synagogue of Sofia

La Synagogue Centrale de Sofia

La synagogue centrale est le symbole de la communauté juive de Bulgarie. C’est aussi la deuxième plus grande synagogue séfarade (judaïsme espagnol) d’Europe. Sa construction a débuté le 13 novembre 1905 par une cérémonie et s’est terminée en 1909 où elle fût officiellement ouverte. Dès lors, elle devient un symbole pour les juifs de Bulgarie. Depuis son ouverture, la synagogue reste active et aide les fidèles hormis pendant les années 1943-44, où la majorité des juifs de Sofia ont été déportés. Par chance, la synagogue n’a pas été détruite même si elle fut endommagée par les bombardements de Sofia. L’intérieur est très beau, clair et richement décoré. L’énorme lustre qui pèse 2 200 kilo, les chandeliers et d’autres décorations ont été importé de Vienne.
The synagogue is the central symbol of the Jewish community in Bulgaria. It is also the second largest Sephardic synagogue (Spanish Jewry) in Europe. Its construction began November 13, 1905 with a ceremony and was completed in 1909 when it was officially opened. Therefore, it becomes a symbol for the Jews of Bulgaria. Since its opening, the synagogue remains active and helps the faithful except during the years 1943-1944, where the majority of Jews were deported from Sofia. Luckily, the synagogue was not destroyed even if it was damaged by bombing in Sofia. The interior is beautiful, clear and richly decorated. The huge chandelier that weighs 2,200 kg, candlesticks and other decorations were imported from Vienna.
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Mandatory visit

Visita obligatoria

Si quieres saber como se construyó esta sinagoga hay un anciano que a cambio de la voluntad, te da la explicación en varios idiomas (incluido el castellano).
If you want to know how this Synagogue was built there is an old man who, in exchange for the will, gives you the explanation in several languages ​​(including Spanish)
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Worth knowing of the Bulgarians Jews

Merece la pena saber de los judíos búlgaros

Sinagoga de estilo hispano, puesto que la comunidad judía de Bulgaria era sefardí. Parece cerrado desde fuera, pero si llamas a la puerta te abren. Decorada con unos exquisitos detalles decorativos como la barandilla de mármol italiano.
Hispanic style synagogue, as the Jewish community in Bulgaria was Sephardic. It looks closed from the outside, but if you knock on the door you open. Decorated with exquisite decorative details such as Italian marble railing.
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admission is paid, a few lev


L'ingresso è a pagamento, poche lev. All'interno è possibile scattare foto e realizzare video senza costi aggiuntivi, al contrario di tutte le chiese presenti a Sofia. Tra le più grandi sinagoghe d'europa. Per chi conosce l'inglese è possibile ricevere spiegazioni in maniera gratuita.
admission is paid, a few lev. inside you can take pictures and make videos at no extra cost, unlike all the churches in Sofia. Among the largest synagogues in Europe. For those who know English you can receive explanations for free.
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Located in the center

Situata nel centro

Situata nel centro a pochi passi da una moschea e ad altre chiese ortodosse e cristiane, quasi a creare un piccolo polo multiculto.
Located in the center a few steps from a mosque and other Orthodox and Christian churches, almost creating a small multi-center pole.
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