Elvira Aldaz
A nice place to eat
When you travel to Costa Rica, you quickly get the idea that the "casados" (a mixed dish of fish and meat with beans, rice and salad) is going to be a constant in your diet, and you're not wrong. It's difficult to find cheap, good places, especially outside the capital. El Pollo Sabroso is the perfect place for lunch or dinner on the days that you're passing through the capital. It's on a side street to the left of Central Avenue, at the height of a large square which has a pavilion in the center, past the National Theatre coming from the Plaza de la Democracia.
The directions seem vague but in San Jose, it's difficult to see the street names, and people usually give directions based on landmarks.
You can recognise this restaurant because of the slowly revolving spitroast chickens in the window. It's full of locals, and casados are around 2000 colones (about 3 euros). We recommend ordering the chicken, which is the specialty of the house, and is great. At the weekend they play blaring music and have a karaoke machine. It is certainly an experience. Only one catch: try to go to the bathroom before you go or after you leave.
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