The place oozes tranquility
Siurana de Prades is a small town in Cornudella del Montsant. A few years ago there wasn’t even a paved road to reach it, which made it much more interesting. Almost no one ventured the 8 km dirt road drive to visit it, meaning it felt like the town was all yours if you visited it. Nowadays, there are much more tourists, as they’ve built the paved road, but the town is still marvelous. It’s considered to be one of the most bealutiful towns in all of Cataluña – both for the cultural interest and its magnificent natural surroundings.
The town is located on a rocky limestone crag, which was a strategic location in other times. The last Muslim bastion in Cataluña was raised here. Legend says that the Christians, in their reconquest efforts, were helped by a Jew who showed them where to Access the castle. The queen of the castle, knowing how difficult it was to reach the castle, was celebrating a party when the Christians entered the castle. She knew what the consequences were and quickly got on her horse and raced towards the cliff. She knew the horse wouldn’t jump, so she covered its eyes, but its instincts still kicked in and it stopped causing here to fly off over the cliff. You can still see the print of the horseshoe in the rocks.
Leaving the legends behind, the town has different places of interest: the Moorish queen’s castle, the 7th century Saint Mary Romanesque church, among others. Another of the impressive things about this town are the spectacular views of the siurana reservoir, as well as the pretty reddish rock formations that surround the place. There are breathtaking views wherever you look.
The town is filled with bars and restaurants. There’s also a couple of fountains. It’s a true pleasure to walk along the town’s cobblestone streets, covered in beautiful flowers. The place breaths peacefulness when it’s not packed with tourists.