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The antique stair of Tryavna
It's in the center of Dyado Kapitan Square, next to the Tryavna clock tower. It can be accessed by a low stone arch. It has a type of courtyard paving, elongated and rectangular, flanked by a two-story house as a wooden atrium. It opened in 1839 as a school. Teachers and students living in the surrounding villages were staying in the rooms I described earlier. Now it is a museum, with exhibits such as paintings and sculptures of Dimitur Kazakov his brother Nicola in these rooms. Also, there is an exhibition with antique clocks. But what we liked the most was the small classroom with desks. The desks closest to the teacher wrote in sand, the second row wrote with chalk and slates, and the third and fourth with pen and paper.
To enter the museum cost about three cams.
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