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[{"Comment":{"id":"127320","total_score":"52","content":"Zunil was at parties but of those which are held once a year. It was all packed, full of colorful processions. We headed to the central square where stands the small church but it was impossible by the usual route. We opted to go around the village and go on the other side of the river but were also involved in another procession and let go by their slow speed and decided to be part of it waving to all the people who piled along the street. Everyone was in their best clothes, women dresses and men infinite colors with typical hat and white cowboy. With some difficulty we reached the parking lot, there we continued walking to the main square which was completely packed, full-scale amusement child. There was a kind of carousel with wooden cars and swings. The kids went big. Paraditas had also selling chips, popcorn and cotton clouds. Until a procession with a carriage from which countless threw candy and plastic balls. Oh if you drop something near you that because that was every man for himself and everyone pulled to see if they caught anything. The interior of the white church reminded me of San Juan Chamula by candles and chanting Mayan but without the personality characteristic that is Chiapas. Here if I could take pictures inside and I used to have the memory of those curious temples. Coming out from the crowd festive continue in a sort of square dancing Sardana, all participants were holding hands and forming a circle in the middle one always dancing alone until another relieved him. All were with masks and costumes. We watched for a while as we ate a bag of chips or fries and a soda. It was getting late and there was still visiting Quetzaltenango. We decided to go to the city","title":"Zunil was at parties but of those which...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2010-03-28 21:23:24","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Zunil estaba en fiestas pero de esas que se celebran una vez al a\u00f1o. Estaba todo abarrotado, lleno de coloridas procesiones. Nosotros nos dirig\u00edamos a la plaza central donde se ubica la peque\u00f1a iglesia pero nos fue imposible por el camino habitual. Optamos por rodear el pueblo e ir por el otro lado del r\u00edo pero nos vimos tambi\u00e9n inmersos en otra procesi\u00f3n y nos dejamos llevar por su lenta velocidad y decidimos formar parte de ella saludando a toda la gente que se apilaba a lo largo de la calle. Todo el mundo iba con sus mejores trajes, las mujeres vestidos de infinitos colores y los hombres con el sombrero t\u00edpico vaquero y de color blanco. Con cierta dificultad llegamos al aparcamiento, all\u00ed continuamos andando hasta la plaza principal que estaba completamente abarrotada, llena de atracciones de escala infantil. Hab\u00eda una especie de tiovivo con coches de madera y columpios. Los ni\u00f1os se lo pasaban en grande. Tambi\u00e9n hab\u00edan paraditas que vend\u00edan papas fritas, nubes de algod\u00f3n y palomitas. Hasta una procesi\u00f3n con un carro desde el que tiraban infinidad de caramelos y pelotas de pl\u00e1stico. Ay si te cae algo de eso cerca de ti porque aquello era el s\u00e1lvese quien pueda y todo el mundo se tiraba para ver si cog\u00edan algo. El interior de la blanca iglesia me record\u00f3 a San Ju\u00e1n Chamula por las velas y c\u00e1nticos mayas pero sin la personalidad caracter\u00edstica que tiene la de Chiapas. Aqu\u00ed si que pude hacer fotograf\u00edas en el interior y aprovech\u00e9 para tener el recuerdo de esos curiosos templos. Al salir continuamos entre la multitud festiva, en una plaza bailaban una especie de sardana, todos los participantes se cog\u00edan de la mano formando un corro y en el medio siempre uno de ellos bailaba solo hasta que otro le relevaba. Todos iban con caretas y disfrazados. Estuvimos observ\u00e1ndolos un rato mientras nos com\u00edamos una bolsa de papas o patatas fritas y un refresco. Se hac\u00eda tarde y todav\u00eda faltaba visitar Quetzaltenango. Decidimos marchar hacia la ciudad ","original_title":"Zunil estaba en fiestas pero de esas..."},"User":{"id":"85198","name":"H\u00e9ctor mibauldeblogs.com","username":"hectornavarro","has_avatar":"9","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/85198_80x80_9.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"624342","hashcode":"d0f5f0822329051f2dbf6bc063bef1b6","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1661","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624341","hashcode":"6f99e4efc9d5fa1c7b1c3922dece56b2","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"1678","o_height":"2398","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624344","hashcode":"9998118c15c8024a008c34b0bba620b0","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1665","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624339","hashcode":"9773d4331e6da92083d3b7aaeaa53e1b","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2398","o_height":"1683","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624343","hashcode":"b4062c1aca137d0b5b5969bcd3a04d74","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1656","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624338","hashcode":"fb2c60ce3f41de2e55ced1360d996de1","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2399","o_height":"1674","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624340","hashcode":"5a7fa27410f6bcec84329e17d8262b6f","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1688","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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Seminar Vescovile

[{"Comment":{"id":"127320","total_score":"52","content":"Zunil was at parties but of those which are held once a year. It was all packed, full of colorful processions. We headed to the central square where stands the small church but it was impossible by the usual route. We opted to go around the village and go on the other side of the river but were also involved in another procession and let go by their slow speed and decided to be part of it waving to all the people who piled along the street. Everyone was in their best clothes, women dresses and men infinite colors with typical hat and white cowboy. With some difficulty we reached the parking lot, there we continued walking to the main square which was completely packed, full-scale amusement child. There was a kind of carousel with wooden cars and swings. The kids went big. Paraditas had also selling chips, popcorn and cotton clouds. Until a procession with a carriage from which countless threw candy and plastic balls. Oh if you drop something near you that because that was every man for himself and everyone pulled to see if they caught anything. The interior of the white church reminded me of San Juan Chamula by candles and chanting Mayan but without the personality characteristic that is Chiapas. Here if I could take pictures inside and I used to have the memory of those curious temples. Coming out from the crowd festive continue in a sort of square dancing Sardana, all participants were holding hands and forming a circle in the middle one always dancing alone until another relieved him. All were with masks and costumes. We watched for a while as we ate a bag of chips or fries and a soda. It was getting late and there was still visiting Quetzaltenango. We decided to go to the city","title":"Zunil was at parties but of those which...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2010-03-28 21:23:24","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Zunil estaba en fiestas pero de esas que se celebran una vez al a\u00f1o. Estaba todo abarrotado, lleno de coloridas procesiones. Nosotros nos dirig\u00edamos a la plaza central donde se ubica la peque\u00f1a iglesia pero nos fue imposible por el camino habitual. Optamos por rodear el pueblo e ir por el otro lado del r\u00edo pero nos vimos tambi\u00e9n inmersos en otra procesi\u00f3n y nos dejamos llevar por su lenta velocidad y decidimos formar parte de ella saludando a toda la gente que se apilaba a lo largo de la calle. Todo el mundo iba con sus mejores trajes, las mujeres vestidos de infinitos colores y los hombres con el sombrero t\u00edpico vaquero y de color blanco. Con cierta dificultad llegamos al aparcamiento, all\u00ed continuamos andando hasta la plaza principal que estaba completamente abarrotada, llena de atracciones de escala infantil. Hab\u00eda una especie de tiovivo con coches de madera y columpios. Los ni\u00f1os se lo pasaban en grande. Tambi\u00e9n hab\u00edan paraditas que vend\u00edan papas fritas, nubes de algod\u00f3n y palomitas. Hasta una procesi\u00f3n con un carro desde el que tiraban infinidad de caramelos y pelotas de pl\u00e1stico. Ay si te cae algo de eso cerca de ti porque aquello era el s\u00e1lvese quien pueda y todo el mundo se tiraba para ver si cog\u00edan algo. El interior de la blanca iglesia me record\u00f3 a San Ju\u00e1n Chamula por las velas y c\u00e1nticos mayas pero sin la personalidad caracter\u00edstica que tiene la de Chiapas. Aqu\u00ed si que pude hacer fotograf\u00edas en el interior y aprovech\u00e9 para tener el recuerdo de esos curiosos templos. Al salir continuamos entre la multitud festiva, en una plaza bailaban una especie de sardana, todos los participantes se cog\u00edan de la mano formando un corro y en el medio siempre uno de ellos bailaba solo hasta que otro le relevaba. Todos iban con caretas y disfrazados. Estuvimos observ\u00e1ndolos un rato mientras nos com\u00edamos una bolsa de papas o patatas fritas y un refresco. Se hac\u00eda tarde y todav\u00eda faltaba visitar Quetzaltenango. Decidimos marchar hacia la ciudad ","original_title":"Zunil estaba en fiestas pero de esas..."},"User":{"id":"85198","name":"H\u00e9ctor mibauldeblogs.com","username":"hectornavarro","has_avatar":"9","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/85198_80x80_9.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"624342","hashcode":"d0f5f0822329051f2dbf6bc063bef1b6","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1661","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624341","hashcode":"6f99e4efc9d5fa1c7b1c3922dece56b2","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"1678","o_height":"2398","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624344","hashcode":"9998118c15c8024a008c34b0bba620b0","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1665","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624339","hashcode":"9773d4331e6da92083d3b7aaeaa53e1b","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2398","o_height":"1683","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624343","hashcode":"b4062c1aca137d0b5b5969bcd3a04d74","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1656","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624338","hashcode":"fb2c60ce3f41de2e55ced1360d996de1","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2399","o_height":"1674","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624340","hashcode":"5a7fa27410f6bcec84329e17d8262b6f","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1688","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]

1 review of Seminar Vescovile

beautiful and original


Vescovile Seminary is in the pretty village of Cefalu, on the Cathedral Square , along with other attractions like the Palazzo Maria, and the restaurant Ostaria del Duomo . The building, built in 1590, is quite beautiful and original. The arches in the upper part of the main façade are outstanding.

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[{"Comment":{"id":"127320","total_score":"52","content":"Zunil was at parties but of those which are held once a year. It was all packed, full of colorful processions. We headed to the central square where stands the small church but it was impossible by the usual route. We opted to go around the village and go on the other side of the river but were also involved in another procession and let go by their slow speed and decided to be part of it waving to all the people who piled along the street. Everyone was in their best clothes, women dresses and men infinite colors with typical hat and white cowboy. With some difficulty we reached the parking lot, there we continued walking to the main square which was completely packed, full-scale amusement child. There was a kind of carousel with wooden cars and swings. The kids went big. Paraditas had also selling chips, popcorn and cotton clouds. Until a procession with a carriage from which countless threw candy and plastic balls. Oh if you drop something near you that because that was every man for himself and everyone pulled to see if they caught anything. The interior of the white church reminded me of San Juan Chamula by candles and chanting Mayan but without the personality characteristic that is Chiapas. Here if I could take pictures inside and I used to have the memory of those curious temples. Coming out from the crowd festive continue in a sort of square dancing Sardana, all participants were holding hands and forming a circle in the middle one always dancing alone until another relieved him. All were with masks and costumes. We watched for a while as we ate a bag of chips or fries and a soda. It was getting late and there was still visiting Quetzaltenango. We decided to go to the city","title":"Zunil was at parties but of those which...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2010-03-28 21:23:24","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Zunil estaba en fiestas pero de esas que se celebran una vez al a\u00f1o. Estaba todo abarrotado, lleno de coloridas procesiones. Nosotros nos dirig\u00edamos a la plaza central donde se ubica la peque\u00f1a iglesia pero nos fue imposible por el camino habitual. Optamos por rodear el pueblo e ir por el otro lado del r\u00edo pero nos vimos tambi\u00e9n inmersos en otra procesi\u00f3n y nos dejamos llevar por su lenta velocidad y decidimos formar parte de ella saludando a toda la gente que se apilaba a lo largo de la calle. Todo el mundo iba con sus mejores trajes, las mujeres vestidos de infinitos colores y los hombres con el sombrero t\u00edpico vaquero y de color blanco. Con cierta dificultad llegamos al aparcamiento, all\u00ed continuamos andando hasta la plaza principal que estaba completamente abarrotada, llena de atracciones de escala infantil. Hab\u00eda una especie de tiovivo con coches de madera y columpios. Los ni\u00f1os se lo pasaban en grande. Tambi\u00e9n hab\u00edan paraditas que vend\u00edan papas fritas, nubes de algod\u00f3n y palomitas. Hasta una procesi\u00f3n con un carro desde el que tiraban infinidad de caramelos y pelotas de pl\u00e1stico. Ay si te cae algo de eso cerca de ti porque aquello era el s\u00e1lvese quien pueda y todo el mundo se tiraba para ver si cog\u00edan algo. El interior de la blanca iglesia me record\u00f3 a San Ju\u00e1n Chamula por las velas y c\u00e1nticos mayas pero sin la personalidad caracter\u00edstica que tiene la de Chiapas. Aqu\u00ed si que pude hacer fotograf\u00edas en el interior y aprovech\u00e9 para tener el recuerdo de esos curiosos templos. Al salir continuamos entre la multitud festiva, en una plaza bailaban una especie de sardana, todos los participantes se cog\u00edan de la mano formando un corro y en el medio siempre uno de ellos bailaba solo hasta que otro le relevaba. Todos iban con caretas y disfrazados. Estuvimos observ\u00e1ndolos un rato mientras nos com\u00edamos una bolsa de papas o patatas fritas y un refresco. Se hac\u00eda tarde y todav\u00eda faltaba visitar Quetzaltenango. Decidimos marchar hacia la ciudad ","original_title":"Zunil estaba en fiestas pero de esas..."},"User":{"id":"85198","name":"H\u00e9ctor mibauldeblogs.com","username":"hectornavarro","has_avatar":"9","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/85198_80x80_9.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"624342","hashcode":"d0f5f0822329051f2dbf6bc063bef1b6","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1661","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624341","hashcode":"6f99e4efc9d5fa1c7b1c3922dece56b2","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"1678","o_height":"2398","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624344","hashcode":"9998118c15c8024a008c34b0bba620b0","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1665","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624339","hashcode":"9773d4331e6da92083d3b7aaeaa53e1b","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2398","o_height":"1683","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624343","hashcode":"b4062c1aca137d0b5b5969bcd3a04d74","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1656","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624338","hashcode":"fb2c60ce3f41de2e55ced1360d996de1","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2399","o_height":"1674","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"624340","hashcode":"5a7fa27410f6bcec84329e17d8262b6f","post_time":"2010-03-28 21:19:53","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1688","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]

Information about Seminar Vescovile