A beautiful autumn
If I had to define the Sierra de Gata in only a few words, I’d say it’s a paradise for hikers.
I’d never heard of it until a friend recommended it to us.
The mountains are dotted with villages like San Martín de Trevejo, Gata, Robledillo de Gata, Acebo, and Villamiel. All of them share certain traits like quaint homes and churches. There are well-marked trails between the villages and they’re a maximum of 4-5km long so it’s not too difficult.
Also, as a side note, the inhabitants of the villages also use the trails to go from one village to another so as to not use the car.
The scenery ranges from pines to chestnut trees to oaks. It’s all very natural and there’s no trash anywhere.
I think it’s a place you could visit throughout the entire year except in winter when the roads are tricky due to the ice and snow. But the colors in autumn were gorgeous and in summer there are lots of little natural pools where you can cool off.